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The Conscious Kindness Movement


The Conscious Kindness Movement

A global movement dedicated to spreading Conscious Kindness across the planet.

Location: Lucerne, California
Members: 61
Latest Activity: Dec 24, 2021

How to Start A Movement

This is the most awesome video. Thank you to my sister in peace, Gina Blackmore, for spreading the love.
1. One man can start a movement.
2. A movement need not be started by the most skilled member of the movement.
3. When beginning your movement and you look around and no one else is joining the dance, just keep dancing.
4. When the one guy who joins your movement slowly fades away, keep going.
5. Before you know it, the people joining your movement won’t even know you started it.
6. When your movement takes a life of it’s own, just let go. There will be no stopping it.
7. The very people who are staring at you like your nuts as you move alone, will be the very same people dancing the hardest in the end.

Thank you Gina

music by: Santogold

Discussion Forum

Watch PeaceDay Broadcast Here

Started by John'nie West Sep 14, 2010.

Help Haiti Live Relief Concert Tonight, Feb 27th, 7:30pm CST

Started by Digital Publishing Entertainment Feb 27, 2010.

A New Idea! Ideas and suggestions needed and appreciated. 4 Replies

Started by SpiritWalker. Last reply by SpiritWalker Feb 27, 2010.

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Comment by Ron Alexander on July 11, 2009 at 8:19am
Although I borrowed the quote below gratefully from "The Ancient One", I know the author Dannion Brinkley who is also from S.C. Dannion had an amazingly profound neardeath experience after being hit by lightning, while he was on the phone. He was dead for 11 minutes, and his "enlightenment" & subsequent transformation can be read about in his book Saved by The Light.
Comment by Ron Alexander on July 11, 2009 at 8:15am
Comment by The Ancient One 1 day ago "Humans are powerful spiritual beings meant to create good on earth. This good isn't usually accomplished in bold actions, but in
singular acts of kindness between people. It's the little things that count, because they are more spontaneous and show who you truly are."

~ Dannion Brinkley
Comment by Ron Alexander on July 6, 2009 at 3:25pm
"We Find New Ways To Be Happy" by Arianna Huffington
(an article in Parade Magazine on "what makes America great")

I love the way that America has responded to President Obama's call to
service. Across the country, people are putting volunteer work on their
already full to-do lists.
From its beginning, America has been dedicated to the pursuit of happiness.
The founding Fathers assumed that its meaning was, to borrow a phrase,
sefl-evident, for example, that the happiness to be sought was not the buzz
of a shopping-spree high. It was the happiness that comes from feeling good by doing good.
Today, Americans are defining the pursuit of happiness in ways much closer to
the original idea. A group of individuals from the worlds of technology, marketing, academia, ans service have united to create
a website that connects people to volunteer opportunities in their areas. In this
way, the newest technology has been put it service for our oldest ideal.
Comment by Ron Alexander on July 2, 2009 at 2:22pm
I don't know the name of the book. I was listening to NPR two days ago, and heard this man. He was very impressive, and I am sure Oprah will make him and his book famous soon.
One of the most powerful people I know is Javier. He keeps his light shining energetically with smiles and hugs much of the time, and it is a very strong force. He is a good role model for our men's group and Unity Church.
Comment by SpiritWalker on July 2, 2009 at 12:11pm
Interesting. What is the name of the book? The thing I find hard about trying to spread kindness is that it is mistaken for weakness. Mostly by family & friends. Strangers are more appreciative in their responses to kindness. It is definitely challenging for people to open up to the infinite possibilities kindness can and does bring. Society is still in that " I want" mode, but I believe that is changing and will continue to do so in these difficult times.
Comment by Ron Alexander on July 1, 2009 at 6:10pm
The psychiatristalso called our society a "warfare" society as opposed to a welfare communitarian society. However, he said Obama is instituting policies that will help us be more community-oriented - thank God!
Comment by Ron Alexander on July 1, 2009 at 3:57pm
I just heard a pschiatrist from England talking about "Kindness" from his new book. He talks about how hard it is to be kind in a competitive captalist society like ours. Yet he was fair, in that, he said social structures set up to take the place of humanity's kindness are tricky also. I want to buy this book!
I thought of new name listening to this dialogue "Unconditional Loving Kindness Unlimited." That moniker about covers it all - eh? blessings, ron
Comment by Ron Alexander on June 15, 2009 at 12:39pm
This is from discussion forums above - Welcome, Walter Heath!

Baha'i Writings -- Be As One Spirit
(from Ron's friend, Sally - a brilliant artist & poet and a Baha'i)

Let your hearts reflect the glories of the Sun of Truth
in their many colors to gladden the eye of the divine
Cultivator Who has nourished them.
Day by day become more closely attracted
in order that the love of God may illumine all those
with whom you come in contact.
Be as one spirit, one soul, leaves of one tree,
flowers of one garden, waves of one ocean
Comment by Ron Alexander on June 8, 2009 at 9:30am
To Be or not to be? That is the question?
Ron Alexander
Is this famous quote from Shakespeare the key to conscious living?
If we choose to be, we have to be conscious,do we not? Of course, most of us live in the human "doing" part of us mostly just to survive in this culture. We pick activities that numb our mind to "make" a living, to "make" a contact, to "make" a lover, to "have it made." Like Thoreau said, "most men (people) live lives of quiet desperation." Can you, like me, relate, to living in anxiety, in fear of what the future may bring? To "try" to survive?
What if we lived in beingness most of the time? The feeling of peaceful loving bliss that some of us attain after meditation, prayer or a sweet affirmation of accomplishment, a creative success, or while just creating? Or mindfulness - while doing the dishes, making the bed, sweeping the floor, loving your mate or friend, and feeling the love returned. Or an unconditional giving anonmously? Helping someone who is less abled? A worthwhile job well done?
Is "to be or not to be" the meaning of "free will"? Or is choosing between consciouness or unconsciousness something else. We we truly choose if we are unconscious? There is a quote in A Course in Miracles that states "need do nothing". When I am in that place of "needing to do nothing", I usually get more effective, creative work done in a more relaxed, more fun manner.
What, besides constant meditation, mindfulness or "praying without ceasing", can we do to choose being over doing?
Comment by SpiritWalker on June 2, 2009 at 10:38am
"If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day." - Alex Noble

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