Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Vipassana is one of India's most ancient meditation techniques. Long lost to humanity, it was rediscovered by Gotama the Buddha more than 2500 years ago. Vipassana means seeing things as they really are. It is the process of self-purification by self-observation. One begins by observing the natural breath to concentrate the mind. With a sharpened awareness one proceeds to observe the changing nature of body and mind, and experiences the universal truths of impermanence, suffering and egolessness. This truth realization by direct experience is the process of purification. The entire path (Dhamma) is a universal remedy for universal problems, and has nothing to do with any organized religion or sectarianism. For this reason, it can be praticed freely by everyone, at any time, in any place, without conflict due to race, community or religion, and it will prove equally beneficial to one and all. from the intro. pamphlet "Vipassana Meditation as taught by Goenka - Intro. to Techniques"

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I can't think of anything to add to Goenka's definition.

I can say that when I had the ennobling opportunity to meet Goenka and his wife... I had nothing to say except thank-you. Thank-you for the opportunity for myself and others... thank-you, again and again...

and everytime, everyone, who benefits by the choices Goenka made in his own personal evolution, and also his choices about how to run a near utopian organization. Forever... thank-you...

Attempting to add videos on defining Vipassana meditation?
Thanks Jeanne,

The reason I knew that this organization was "the real deal" and not something "fake and schitzty" get up was the fact that it is free for the newcomer. It perpetuates itself by love and service. This was galvanized when I heard the lecture in which he describes bringing it to India and he said that though this is a free gift, but a lot of hard work is needed to get it...So even in a land of hunger and famine, only a few will really come...I know now how much hard work that takes...

Ron Alexander said:

Attempting to add videos on defining Vipassana meditation?
All is well, I felt like saying "equanimity now", equanimity now" over and over while doing this task yesterday. However, today I have been enjoying the fruits of my labor - looking at several videos starting out with Goenka then going to shorter testamonials - my favorite was by "allhailthecatnip's Post Vipassana Bliss": sarita931 Reply I have been home 2 weeks since my 10 vip. retreat. It was as you said. So much is lifted off the body/mind through this technique. I never felt so good and free. Yes it was by far the hardest thing I have ever done but it was well worth it. Thank you allhailthecatnip for your lovely post. In metta
Dear Ron Alexander,
Yes Goenkaji from East India has done lot for making this meditation popular.
His Lessons in Igatpur and people do come to stay in the Ashram for 10 to 15 days observing complete silence,and with veg. food once a day with heavy breakfast in the morning.
No food after 4 P.M.
Since early morning it starts and all programs including lectures also lasts upto 10 P.M. with a interval from 12 P.M. to 2 P.M.Whole day no correspondance or conversation with any body.
No Mobiles, No telephones, No News Papers, No talking !
Have to observe complete silence.
drmike said:
Thanks Jeanne,

The reason I knew that this organization was "the real deal" and not something "fake and schitzty" get up was the fact that it is free for the newcomer. It perpetuates itself by love and service. This was galvanized when I heard the lecture in which he describes bringing it to India and he said that though this is a free gift, but a lot of hard work is needed to get it...So even in a land of hunger and famine, only a few will really come...I know now how much hard work that takes...


"(Goenka) ...said that though this is a free gift, ...a lot of hard work is needed to get it..."

Its funny... cuz people always laugh when he says that "they will work from 4 in the morning, till 10 at night"... but its a laugh born of understanding of the effort... not a laugh of reckless abandon.

Its a gift that only you can give yourself.



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