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Real Anthroposophy

a discussion forum for people interested in the original anthroposophical impulse as created by Rudolf Steiner in his books on philosophy.

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why did you join? 2 Replies

I started this group this afternoon and three people joined almost immediately ... why?Continue

Started by Joel A. Wendt. Last reply by Mildrid Brorfelde Aug 21, 2010.

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Comment by Joel A. Wendt on August 24, 2010 at 5:30am
how about people who don't want to discuss Real Anthroposophy hook up some where else then ... its like I started this group for a certain purpose and now its been hijacked ... not to say your own urges have anything wrong with them, its just that if this keeps up I'm going to (if possible) shut the group down or unjoin it or whatever ...
Comment by Mildrid Brorfelde on August 24, 2010 at 2:30am
Hi Joel - for my part - I´m too old for more books and words - have eaten a lot of that stuff. For me now - to-day - ít´s of much more importance to live and share my knowledge and experiences from a long life, which gracefully have presented me with the appropriate lifesituations and challenges to put the theories to test in real life and ordinary days happenings. .
Don´t misunderstand me - I too find R.S. a great master and genius - his philosophy, words and teaching has become a very important part of my hearts "inner bank account", my personal foundation and Spiritual Launching Pad.
I just feel it so important to go out there in the big, dangerous and suffering world to live by example his gift to mankind in practice. Mildrid
Comment by Mildrid Brorfelde on August 24, 2010 at 1:54am
Hi John - to continue - took up first the part in your contribution to the group about your concept of relation to a "personal god" - so for the rest: I can only "nod in recognition" - it all meet with sympathy and total response to experiences and cognition from my own life and quest. --Mildrid
Comment by Joel A. Wendt on August 23, 2010 at 1:29pm
Rudolf Steiner was a genius, beyond most people's ability to imagine. He discovered in human consciousness a new ability - one that previously was not possible for human beings. He explored this ability and then wrote about it in three books, seemingly on epistemology, but which in fact were scientific maps to the human mind.

These books are: A Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe's World Conception; Truth and Knowledge; and, The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity. The name he gave to this new human capacity was "Anthroposophy", and most of those, who think of themselves as his students, have not understood this. They mistook the content this ability produces (Spiritual Science) for the method (a consequence of an intended metamorphosis of thinking).

These books can be read for free at the Rudolf Steiner Archive, which is at:

This discussion list is for people who want to learn about this ability, latent in all minds, but which requires some unusual inner work to evoke. The place to begin is with reading the first book - yet not in a rush. Each sentence is to be treated as a scientific statement akin to a mathematical equation, although the symbols in this case are words.

I'm available to help anyone who wants to undertake such a journey.

Comment by Mildrid Brorfelde on August 23, 2010 at 12:26am
Hi John - I don´t think I was "thinking" - I just remember the whole scene and the "feelings" that went with it - so as a grown up I understand this became a part of my attitude or philosophy of life.--Mildrid
Comment by Mildrid Brorfelde on August 22, 2010 at 1:29pm
Hi John - tell you when and why I stopped believing in God??
I was about 4 year old, it was a terrible thunderstorm and I was sooo afraid, and begged my mother to use her influence in those higher places, she used to tell us about and ask GOD to stop that terrible noise.
But she looked at me in a grown-up overbearing way and said, that he certainly could´t do such things - so for me that was the end of that relation.
Comment by bARTosz SOLowiej on August 21, 2010 at 9:28am
I anticipate learning interesting things from everyone about anthroposophy. Humans could learn much about theologizing about their spirit bond with mother nature.
Comment by Mildrid Brorfelde on August 21, 2010 at 6:28am
Hello Joel and your group - I am an old "hag" from Denmark - if you know what that is and where my tiny little country is located - and was 18 year old "skipped" to an theosophical aunt and uncle . Felt this was my true family. Vent along the same track for many years and ended up - via Rudolf Steiner - reading Alice Baileys books inspired through the master DK. From there after a lifelong journey with spiritual training and further search for my own inner truth to Crimson Circle - and then everything was in place and I was ready for the New Earth and AOAND - and your group.
Theosophy and Alice Bailey gave me the tools to "go for" ascension - then called initiation - and today it is no longer such a "dubious" thing to go for and talk about as then - and Rudolf Steiner confirmed my dream of a decent world to live in.
My youngest son started to read his books at 16 and I thought it was a little too heavy stuff for his age, but didn't interfere. Today he is 42 and his little daughter just started in a Rudolf Steiner "kindergarten" - so he must have found and stored up the right stuff.
I hope this gives you a clue to whom and where I am and am so looking forward to share with you and the group experiences from a long quest for love from the heart, trust and cooperation with my fellowmen and hope for a better world for us all to live in.
Love from my old heart and hope for the future I am intend to live long enough to see blooming.
Comment by Joel A. Wendt on August 20, 2010 at 8:08pm
Since I put this group in play this afternoon, three people have joined. I don't understand why ... anyone care to share?

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