Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Kenya 2008

Our Halleck Vineyard safari to Kenya, East Africa


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Comment by Ross Halleck on January 17, 2009 at 7:13am
Originally, we had 17 people booked to travel to Africa. Unfortunately, the timing of the recent civil unrest in Kenya lasty year aligned with our need to commit to airline and hotel reservations. There were 8 of us who rolled the dice.

The journey that we shared was extraordinary by any metric. Almost NOTHING went wrong, with one notable exception at the onset. In itself , this was amazing for an excursion of almost a month, accommodating 8 people of varied ages, spanning half the globe, including eight different destinations, employing all modes of transportation, and to AFRICA. Equally amazing was that almost everything we did and everywhere we went exceeded our expectations. Peter, of our group, mentioned that if he had known everything was going to be so well-oiled, he might not have joined us. His motivation was to be there for his family if anything went wrong. He was a great traveling companion, but not the inveterate traveler that his wife, Kelynn, and I are. From the pictures, you can determine if he had a good time. The group consisted of Peter, Kelynn, their two children Lucas (14) Maya Chole (11), and my brood: Connor (15), Adam (14) and Quinn (11).

I wrote a colorful travelogue of the journey which I am happy to share. Just email me. The photos are in reverse order, as I was only able to sort them, once loaded, by the latest, rather than the reverse.


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