Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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Comment by Linda Penner on February 21, 2011 at 6:27am

Good Day Ginger

 I had no idea that this beautiful masterpiece is available on canvas and the text is beautiful. I hope that you do go through and make the new body of art work which plays between the multi dimensions of experience. I am so inspired by the work you do i can not find the words to tell you. You have a way with making the unrested heart at peace not just by your masterpieces but also when i heard you explain the inspirations behind your work. Indeed there is beauty in each and everyone one of us. Your beauty shines. I am going to look into purchasing the canvas it is stunning and just what i have been looking for. Thank you Ginger for taking the time to write back to me.


Linda Penner

Comment by ginger gilmour on February 20, 2011 at 8:44pm


I just wanted to tell you that this is available as a print on canvas if you are interested...also there is a text that goes with it.....

"A Call ushers forth to be Within the Light Eternal,

To Transform within Me what has gone before"

"I return to fulfill my soul's part for the benefit of Mankind

To Serve, To Uplift & To Unite"

I am currently inspired to create a new body of artwork which plays between the relatioship of

two-dimensional and three-dimensional aspects of perception. The viewers' creativity is

activated as they are taken from the experience of each dimension, i.e. the painting, the

sculpture and the sybolism. A third story is being formed which seeks to be a reflection of the

mysterious Beauty withn each and everyone of us.

This image ‘Disciple Returns’ is part of two paintings. The other is called the 'Disciple on the

Path'. They were inspired by a lecture at the Lucis Trust for the full moon meditation in

Capricorn 2009 in which the disciple assimilates the Light Eternal and then symbolically turns

his back on it. Radiant with Light the disciple returns to the world of impressions to transmit it

for the benefit of mankind via its concretising power. This process is to do with the journey of

transformation of the personality to do it soul's part in the greater plan.


Comment by Linda Penner on February 20, 2011 at 5:57am


  This sculpture is so beautiful it actually brings tears to my eyes. Your work is indeed spiritual and beautiful and brings a calmness and beauty into my life at a time when there is so much chaos and turmoil. How can I possibly thank you or put into words what your designs have done for me ....the images have helped me cope with some troubling treatments I have had to undergo related to an illness and i use your images to get me through the pain and the unrest that lies within me. thank you so much ! From the bottom of my heart.

Linda P.


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