Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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Comment by Mary Ann Isom on February 13, 2013 at 5:40pm

I went out to a second hand store, which incidently was owned by a friend of mine, and in the very very back of the store along with odd iron skillets and pots, found this.  Since I was working with a budget, I put everything back on the shelf and toted this in the shopping bag realizing it was the One Honor I could pay myself while being of interest as a Santana Fan Club Deluxe member.  I feel like the famous South American legend, Evita Perone.  "Don't cry for me, Argentina...." also sang by the music singer, Madonna, after my own heart, which I do like her since the onset of her outward career, while I am behind the scenes just being me.   I truly believe I could get literally lost in Sur de America without even so much as a hint of recognition and also my kids, too.  When I do get married, I will demand to get Lost probably sooner than later.  I love you Senior Santana and tus familias tambien.


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