Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Lucy Vento
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At 9:41am on May 14, 2009, The Ancient One said…
I Dream a World

I dream a world where man
No other will scorn,
Where love will bless the earth
And peace its paths adorn.
I dream a world where all
Will know sweet freedom's way,
Where greed no longer saps the soul
Nor avarice blights our day.
A world I dream where black or white,
Whatever race you bed,
Will share the bounties of the earth
And every one is free,
Where wretchedness will hang its head,
And joy, like a pearl,
Attends the needs of all humankind.
Of such I dream --
Our world!

~ James Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
At 4:52pm on March 7, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Lucy, how are you today?
I just thought I'd stop by and say hello.
At 10:43am on January 5, 2009, Benedict Burns said…
SWM Funny Smart Singer in Santa Monica allergic to cats 50-50 on having kids
Sensitive guy, ready willing and able to communicate, love, dance, laugh, sing, create.
Don't have a problem expressing myself!
Good listener and open communicator.
Working on my CD now.
Metaphysical, spiritual, spontaneous.
Cross between Jim Carrey, Pavarotti, Picasso, and Einstein.
Did Landmark Forum, into personal growth, transformation of self, society, and the world.
Into consciousness-raising, Buddhist philosophy, Ayn Rand, Tantra, etc. Classical, jazz, pop, soft rock, the lighter end of the spectrum in many ways.
Looking for:
Romantic, not afraid to express herself, prefer smart funny insightful spiritual creative women.... women with something to say! oscar wilde says, "most people are other people" so if you are your own being, give me a call.
Fun things I like to do: Sing, dance crazy, swimming, movies, traveling to new places, long trips up the coast, karaoke, long days of love and conversation, drawing, composing, writing, song writing, singing, writing, drawing, dvds, women, vegetarian, conscious, spiritual, metaphysical, composing, ayn rand, rachmaninoff, lila downs, nat king cole, sinatra, norah jones, landmark education, landmark forum, communication, nonviolent communication (, jung, dreams, archetypes, symbols, jazz, allergic to cats, want kids, laughing, american idol, 24, star trek, stargate, star wars, science fiction

My Top Ten List: (nobody's perfect ;)) Smart Funny No cats (I'm allergic)
Prefer Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, or Virgo women, though have had Leo and Aries girlfriends --- but who knows? whatever works ;)))
Metaphysical/spiritual/new age kind of person (I am)
You don't smoke, drink, do drugs, or eat meat (light drinking ok) (I eat fish and dairy---I don't eat meat or chicken) I have gone out with chicken-eaters;)))
I also would like to eat more raw food --- I like juices, Juliano's Raw, etc.
Artist/Musician/Writer type preferred
Aware and conscious person Y
ou love to laugh
If interested, call 310 393 7080 Pacific Standard Time.
Best time is 8-10 pm, not after!
If not, please pass along to a woman who would be?

what I’m looking for:

loving caring giving person
open-minded (but not too much ;)))
loves to sing laugh and act silly and spontaneous fun etc.
transformational inspirational metaphysical spiritual not too religious
likes ayn rand, landmark education, buddha, psychic/new age stuff, personal growth, etc.


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