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this is a wonderful addition to life ,having you create this Group , I have never joined any club or anything in my life sooooooo .......can you hear me JUMPING IN......!!!
Carolyn is staying with me so I will get her to join tooooo.
Bonnie come by if you are in ubud.....you can see what i am up to on www.lindagarland.com....
We are posting a 250 page free manual on the website in the next weeks on how to manage the bamboo forest.....
Brooks ...miss you toooo. big hug Linda
My Indonesian is terrible although I have been there countless times. Ubud is amazing. Maybe we can cross paths -- I get to Bali at least twice a year leading eco tours into West Papua, and I co-manage an NGO that combats the illegal animal trade in Southeast Asia.
Thank you for joining. Terima kasih banyak.
Thanks so much for responding and joining. I miss you bad! I think of you everyday I wake up on my Linda Garland Balinese bed and I walk into my office and sit on my Linda Garland Balinese couch!