Architects of a New Dawn

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David Hauser's Blog – March 2010 Archive (30)

365 Days of Poetry 03/31/2010 Flowers Unfold

What is the significance of love’s instincts to exist?
What imperfection ignited us in a quest we can’t resist?
Driven to disparity to the deepest part within our soul
This irresistible love persists to flower and unfold


Added by David Hauser on March 31, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/30/2010 Encompassing Phenomena

Sensuality wears on its bearer in unconscious acts of excitation
Enthusiasm veracity inflames a spinning heart of celebration
Primordial purity all encompassing phenomena lifted exaltation
The essence of its openness is as inseparable as its expression


Added by David Hauser on March 30, 2010 at 10:37pm — 2 Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/29/2010 Stuck in a Cloud

Have all the accolades faded as my pen runs dry
My withering thoughts of my delving ostentatious try
Melodies have forsaken me in my quest to talk out loud
Robbed of my eternity with my heart stuck in a cloud


Added by David Hauser on March 29, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/28/2010 Apparent Apparitions

Nimble enigmas pressing times apparent apparition
Indelible rivulets transcribing transparent finite mass
It fractures gravities romantic coalescing incantations
Microcosms reconnect in an intricate stimulating clash


Added by David Hauser on March 28, 2010 at 2:24pm — 1 Comment

365 Days of Poetry 03/27/2010 Unimpeded Sight

Talk to me in midnight ring vibrations of distant solitude
Remind me of totality while softly kissing moon blossoms
Stir patterns that seep through the cracks of my experience
Create the habitat to nuzzle deep within your unimpeded sight


Added by David Hauser on March 27, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

365 Days of Poetry 03/26/2010 Holograms Fantastic

Holograms fantastic mirages lost to grand dispensations
Vanishing transparent images abiding lucid emanations
Pure awareness crystal clear waves spoken ringing glass
Perpetuates infinity rhythm pushing an envelope of blast


Added by David Hauser on March 26, 2010 at 12:46pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/25/2010 Sweet Relief

A barrage of facades crumble wearily decaying at life’s feet
Distilled apprehensions brimming with disdain’s crucial defeat
Hello and farewell to all emotional duly appointed thieves
Because everyone is a dignitary to lonely heartache sweet relief


Added by David Hauser on March 25, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/24/2010 Magnificent Darkness

There in the magnificent darkness where outline conclude
I sence dissolutions is nowhere where consciousness alludes
Never quite grasping it, its holographic image simply dissolves
In fruitions midst of everything voids nothingness resolves


Added by David Hauser on March 24, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/23/2010 The Sun Will Rise

As dawn makes silhouettes

Dances on sands of time

My heart fills with unregret

Watching heaven touch divine

As dew is captured in light

Steams wisps away in wind

My eyes are filled with delight

Watching this new day begin

The sun is going to rise

We can be sure

The sun is going to rise

And this is loves allure

As day begins to warm us

Beauty cannot be obscured

Living in the arms of trust

Nature’s honest… Continue

Added by David Hauser on March 23, 2010 at 11:13am — 1 Comment

365 Days of Poetry 03/22/2010 Whispering Clouds

My faith speaks to me in sunsets whispers in the clouds and touches me like rain
It assures me on my path helps me feel connected to my purpose and resolve
Truth of my faith rests in my smile my unselfishness to give of myself to others
My faith speaks to me in sunrise fills my eyes with light and gives me meaning


Added by David Hauser on March 22, 2010 at 9:14am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/21/2010 Dancing Promenade

Breath so capable to stir a rush pouring through my veins
A vixen’s touch that gathers moss breaks me from my reigns
A myriad of tumbling checks and balances takes me high above
Marching amnesty of unrestraint breathing out the breath of love


Added by David Hauser on March 21, 2010 at 9:57pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/20/2010 Fragrance and Hues

Caution races wind as platitudes dissolve another type of sincerity begins
Moment is now forever more without casting a shadow destiny finds scorn
Reach hearty scaffold as dark barristers gather judgments buried in its rules
Lusting magic allure twisting beauty tainted in majestic fragrance and hues


Added by David Hauser on March 20, 2010 at 11:35am — 1 Comment

365 Days of Poetry 03/19/2010 Feeling Spring?

Nature’s charades bursts gracefully beneath winter’s cold coat
Miming new qualities as immanence emerge displaying its cloak
Animating energies emanates each blade dancing on hallowed ground
Green grass and flowers deliver new bounty with one single bound


Added by David Hauser on March 19, 2010 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

365 Days Of Poetry 03/18/2010 Onion Rings

Indelible touch marring the onions cellophane unrestrained unexplained
Casual bodies drifting aimless embraces cocooning swooning spooning
My fingers run madly through these veils thrown like sail revealing tales
Embroidered fabric weaving time with those bedroom eyes that fill my mind


Added by David Hauser on March 18, 2010 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

365 Days of Poetry 03/17/2010 Pursuit Majestic

Curiosity of madness bourgeois through black soil dream in fingertips
Obsession tethers me to your loins intention dances with your lips
Aptitudes pursuing a myriad of crafted letters written dearly on your wall
I crave for your tomorrows your solitudes your quivers quavers and scrawls


Added by David Hauser on March 17, 2010 at 10:56am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/16/2010 Open Hearted Charity

Minutes or even seconds matter as it enunciates the activities of the will
Each utterance a signpost of qualities directing traffic up and down the hill
Can footsteps catch up to an invisible threshold only practice can perceive
Magic a fragile entity conjured in vapors whose cohesion only you relieve


Added by David Hauser on March 16, 2010 at 12:22pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/15/2010 Ravaged Bones

Left for dead on the prairie of unforgiving sands these barriers of light
Barley recognizable seared and etched by directed radiation until the night
Seemingly useless and detested by scavengers unevenness lust for a fight
The laws of nature rule in my presumed struggle there is no wrong or right


Added by David Hauser on March 15, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/14/2010 Of Each Drop

Salacious incantations spontaneous creation of contact on another plane
Expansive unassuming energy outshines rabid claws scratching at the door
With every vantage point skillful and insightfully yours reacting to the rain
Of each drop subsumed by flesh immersed by pure light beckoning for more


Added by David Hauser on March 14, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/13/2010 Heartfelt Moon

Dashing through the unlit night
Splashing in the unknown darkness
Taking in desperate circumstances
In a myriad of heartfelt chances

I hear the screams shouting loud
Rushing towards the madness
Rescues pierce through the clouds
Replacing it with gladness

So as each lifeboat begins to swim
And the light becomes less dim
Who has come to rescue whom?
Underneath this heartfelt moon


Added by David Hauser on March 13, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 03/12/2010 Abundance of Means

In the vantage point of phenomena energy releases
Weaving perfect attitudes immediate and unceasing
Bursting from the seams influential courageous dreams
Garnering a magnitude of mercy lifting up in steam


Added by David Hauser on March 12, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments


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