Architects of a New Dawn

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David Hauser's Blog – June 2010 Archive (30)

365 Days of Poetry 06/30/2010 Deliverance Sensations

Dripping soft seductions graces those moist succulent lips that penetrate my consciousness in erotic acronyms. My precise fondling strokes fiddle about in sightless harmony resonating in suspended bliss as pulsating undulations heave in intense delight. Cupped in my palm explored by my fingertip that unzips its moisture in one soft gentle gesture parting the seas of eternity traversing its sultry surface of overwhelming sensations.


Added by David Hauser on June 30, 2010 at 11:30pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/29/2010 Extended Afternoon

Smooth legs and aftershave filter through a smoky room in an extended afternoon
A bending yield purging feels surrendering to unending attitudes saluting gratitude’s
Weary grows the day as jazz musicians play sorry tunes in a growing late afternoon
A misty heat gliding fingers guiding ringers of fleeting ecstasy and a remnant of me


Added by David Hauser on June 29, 2010 at 11:32pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/28/2010 Rumba Lines

When messages tapped on a wire and drinks and smoke never expired
Gin finds its blend in rumbas fashionable trend when nights never end
Suits and dresses adorned innocence big eyes conveyed only brilliance
People were filled with un-fearful magic and danced on lights fantastic


Added by David Hauser on June 28, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/27/2010 All I Aspired

Ensuing disturbances gnawing observance chips at my conscious delights
We had a working relation when whispers insurgence tussled with fights
Obsessions compulsions rejection implosions works on me day by day
Once immaculate desires were all I aspired before misery took me away


Added by David Hauser on June 27, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/26/2010 One More Night

Burning holograms lurching particles flare resetting warmth in a resting sun
Overwhelming magnitudes catching fragments eventualities finding someone
Dreams of stamens breathe iridescent joyful melodies smiles and gifts of light
Slipping into absolution drawn conclusions giving love assertions one more night


Added by David Hauser on June 26, 2010 at 9:10pm — 2 Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/25/2010 Maniacal Increments

In the savory corners of intense titillations souls surrender to talk of emaciated seductions. Compromised sexualized departures stripped to instinctual inherent destruction of swollen throbbing voracious appetites. As heighten unquenchable ravenous engorged satiety pregnant in frenetic feverish madness where naked is divulged in maniacal increments.


Added by David Hauser on June 25, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/24/2010 Inseparable Irreparable

An indivisible motion moves faster than the ocean swirling endlessly
It has partnered in perfection microscopically detecting surreptitiously
Traveling at the speed of light enveloping in a lovers night deliciously
Inseparable irreparable undivided spirits cling un-hastily quite unchastely


Added by David Hauser on June 24, 2010 at 7:53am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/23/2010 BP is Asleep We are Dead

Tip toeing trepidation tepid realizations spilling haphazardly
Embracing innovations invocations to pretentious dignitaries
Voices un-heard as a consistory bird hollow praises disenfranchised
I know the answer we can all be whole again is never ever listen to


Added by David Hauser on June 23, 2010 at 1:50pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/22/2010 Stirrers From the Stirred

The clandestine miracles of live unfolding flowers encrypted souls
From a world wind marriage told in fragrance as two become whole
I’ve mired in my folly at encapsulated dispenses coddled in the cure
Fettered each miracle culinary imaginations of stirrers from the stirred


Added by David Hauser on June 22, 2010 at 1:30pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/21/2010 Possibilities Unfold

In one extra minute all the sum of my simple life disappears
Dancing chivalry enthralled with aspirations smiles on my years
Frozen timeless emoting inventions deciding without hesitation
Possibilities unfold on me with surrendering echoes invitations


Added by David Hauser on June 21, 2010 at 1:10pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/20/2010 Kneeling on Glass

Slivers of vacillating indigenous emotions wrestle deeper in my skin
A haunting pale remembrance as engraved facets of shards burrow in
Plowing furrows laced vibrations plays the river of my streaming live
Invoking marrow misplaced dignity sliced carefully with a surgical knife


Added by David Hauser on June 20, 2010 at 1:00pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/19/2010 Pneumatic Collisions

Listen to rhythms schisms pneumatic collisions
Verbs to words never heard uttered or renditions
Apocalyptic hypnotic transformations incantations
Episodic invocations annihilation of our wounded nation


Added by David Hauser on June 19, 2010 at 6:34pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/18/2010 Spectral Abracadabra

Waltzing destine immortal beloved intertwine laced with spectral abracadabra
Cold and heat red and blue prancing the event horizon reinventing matter sublime
Ah macro micro they all dance together dimensionally insatiability kinetic magnetic
Hastily for eternity rotations innovations and predetermine hearts intercede and cling


Added by David Hauser on June 18, 2010 at 11:48am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/17/2010 Forbidden Fruits

Soliloquy of dashing intrinsic nature splashes my ponderings wild hopes
That seductive undulations quivers and schemes beyond abilities to cope
Deep drinks un-quavering magnitudes of freely given drenches of sublime
As perceivers astonishments taste forbidden fruits that everlastingly unwind


Added by David Hauser on June 17, 2010 at 8:48am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/16/2010 Forage of Experience

Starry nights gaze down as epiphanies of consciousness peers around
Question arouse how could this be exchanging senses of apparent reality
Exquisite presents surrounding my gasping breath seems so astounding
Whom is peering at whom in this forage of experience in natures womb


Added by David Hauser on June 16, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/15/2010 The Sheet Is Off The Lens

A lecherous path for glorious gas deep rooted in past exploitation and cashed in sin.
Didgeridoos drone Aboriginals roam through polyurethane foam in our carbon dioxide filled homes. Withering tomorrows covered in sorrows as hegemonic demonic continue to borrow from our lives. Our time line our minds certainty our kindness reminds us no more time for blindness in the deafening cry for humanity reach for the sky.


Added by David Hauser on June 15, 2010 at 12:14pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/14/2010 Death of a Planet

The materialization of our existence was met without much resistance
In a world of processes we fit in harvester of abundance wasn’t a sin
Growing numbers creators encumbered hedged out nature for lumber
Oxygen was faced with toil water filled garbage pollution and oil


Added by David Hauser on June 14, 2010 at 10:50am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/13/2010 Day 55 Questions

I hear them screaming out for life to corporate deaf ears shunning reality
The abomination of everyday callous greed driven interpreters of things
Drop everything throw your scared money and everything you have gotten
Manifest resources and people by the millions to rescue all you made so rotten


Added by David Hauser on June 13, 2010 at 9:58am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/12/2010 Money Can’t Replace Life

Oracles of the setting sun dance on the elements protecting everyone
Ancestral spirits regain inertia a wounded planet screams out in hurt
Restore compassion's warriors to warrant loving giving praising soldiers
Sentient beings struggling survival depends upon common spiritual revival


Added by David Hauser on June 12, 2010 at 9:30am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 06/11/2010 Birds in Flight

In a fascinating turn of execution I find my thumb caressing your eyebrows
Sunrise peeks warm still rays our skin taste them as they restore our chi
Another day already lived through the looking glass Dorothy’s sand runs dry
Questions ruse about tomorrow puzzle pieces dash at you like birds in flight


Added by David Hauser on June 11, 2010 at 6:48am — No Comments


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