Architects of a New Dawn

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Sajid Ali Khan's Blog – July 2009 Archive (3)

How poor nations can become rich.

It is now very clear that emotional intelligence is as important as regular intelligence for individuals. As Governments are made up of individuals we must emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence standards for Governments. We must create Gross National Standards/Values for Governments.

The benefits of wisdom

Gross National Standards/Values

Just like Gross National Product of countries we have to measure Gross National Standards/Values. Show every… Continue

Added by Sajid Ali Khan on July 26, 2009 at 12:38pm — No Comments

Wisdom is a tree.

Wisdom is a tree. The attributes of wisdom are its fruit. As man knows the attributes of wisdom man tries to teach these attributes. It is very difficult and frustrating to cultivate these attributes because it is the same as trying to produce bananas without the banana tree. Cultivate the tree and the bananas will emerge automatically.

I am of the opinion that one must be fully trained to play the game of life to the best of one’s fully developed potential. While the world is… Continue

Added by Sajid Ali Khan on July 26, 2009 at 12:33pm — No Comments

Redesigning Philosophy to Master Life.

Shifting the focus of philosophy from understanding the very nature of life to mastering life.

Would you rather be an expert of what it takes to be a millionaire or would you prefer being a millionaire? After all the goal of philosophy is to master your life; philosophy itself is the means to a super life. Philosophy is a means to make the journey a wise one, to make life super mature. Philosophy is not the destination. A superior super mature life is the destination. Life is a journey… Continue

Added by Sajid Ali Khan on July 26, 2009 at 11:07am — No Comments


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