Architects of a New Dawn

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David Hauser's Blog (210)

365 Days of Poetry 09/17/2010 Nectar of Epiphany

Baring glossed over sibilance in Dionysus voice unbearable pearl inside
Essentially liquid elastic melodious relevance deliberate missing specter
Passing for histology searching for aberrations in elation’s silent soliloquy
Drink deep restitution awaits sleeping in a labyrinth distilled sweet ubiquity


Added by David Hauser on September 17, 2010 at 6:21pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/17/2010 Nectar of Epiphany

Baring glossed over sibilance in Dionysus voice unbearable pearl inside
Essentially liquid elastic melodious relevance deliberate missing specter
Passing for histology searching for aberrations in elation’s silent soliloquy
Drink deep restitution awaits sleeping in a labyrinth distilled sweet ubiquity


Added by David Hauser on September 17, 2010 at 6:21pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/17/2010 Nectar of Epiphany

Baring glossed over sibilance in Dionysus voice unbearable pearl inside
Essentially liquid elastic melodious relevance deliberate missing specter
Passing for histology searching for aberrations in elation’s silent soliloquy
Drink deep restitution awaits sleeping in a labyrinth distilled sweet ubiquity


Added by David Hauser on September 17, 2010 at 6:21pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/16/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 12 (last one)

Enlightenment never fled from us or else it could never be comprehended at all

Prancing foolishly we seek divine intervention some discovering its next to our hearts

Divinity always rested in your loving looks soft voice and daring touch nothing else

It was never in unexplained consciousness the riddle to the puzzle was always you


Added by David Hauser on September 16, 2010 at 10:44am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/15/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 11

But there it is a mere point unforeseen unfathomable at best this bed we sleep
Dreams are possible not improbable at my own challis worn out yet well acquired
I know because I have lived with great folly, observed preying, danced recklessly
Recognizing were perfection surely comes from and memorizing in lucid great detail


Added by David Hauser on September 15, 2010 at 6:59am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/14/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 10

Apprehensible oblique offering a soliloquy of reverence and beheld in awe
Triumphant un-gilded abreast with only the best lines a body of work can attain
No one can asunder rapturous supreme beauty coursing enveloping splendor
What eyes that can’t see a source of reality pale to none abridged incomprehensible


Added by David Hauser on September 14, 2010 at 6:23am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/14/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 10

Apprehensible oblique offering a soliloquy of reverence and beheld in awe
Triumphant un-gilded abreast with only the best lines a body of work can attain
No one can asunder rapturous supreme beauty coursing enveloping splendor
What eyes that can’t see a source of reality pale to none abridged incomprehensible


Added by David Hauser on September 14, 2010 at 6:23am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/13/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 9

Gather my love was spoken gliding clouds abound with newly arrived proclivities
Propelling those whispered promise into delightful interventions and sensitivities
Glorious light to behold warming to the soul as ghost illusions faintly see stars
I remember today I thought if today only existed and there was an I in us after all


Added by David Hauser on September 13, 2010 at 8:56am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/12/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 8

Hold your esteems higher than the frivolous markings of man disingenuous pleas
Through your eyes I exist only and this world maters not through a whimsical dance
Mesmerize my immortality mingle a resonance so sweetly pandering withers away
Our colloquial enticements renounce this unmitigated garden until paradise is restored


Added by David Hauser on September 12, 2010 at 9:15am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/11/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 7

Gifted with un-forsaken unshakable faith in a human capacity for giving love
I concede to victory etch it in stone that truer is love lacks towards being alone
Gentle petals indeed scared and well heeded dearest than dear grasped revered
Perilous precious gifted moments may never pass a presents of offering a kiss


Added by David Hauser on September 11, 2010 at 7:59am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/10/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 6

Awareness ebbs and flows as in a concerto breathing risking all it surrounds
Cascading in its universal rhythms unstoppable triumphant epiphanies delivered
Ensembles collate laid palmed imprinted in vigilance for goodness sake at last
Awaken in clarity and one remembrance infinitely tangible drifting through eons


Added by David Hauser on September 10, 2010 at 10:50am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/09/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 5

Humbly disparaged at twilight's last gleaming transparency uttering quite plainly
Human with a limited amount of everything worshiping only that what is precious
Desperately beyond livid shadows divinity rests on shoulders calmly un-shameful
Stillness encased flame oxygen stolen from an exquisite moment of flight and peril


Added by David Hauser on September 9, 2010 at 7:36am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/08/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 4

Consciousness salivates towards intrinsic bliss dancing view of nothingness
Consuming desires absorbed into abyss fueled by an ever-delving roving blush
Romantic intertwining barrage never ending interludes unquenched aptitudes
Lay deliverance at your toes carpeted lacing majestic fortitude pure compassion


Added by David Hauser on September 8, 2010 at 7:30am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/06/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 3

Solving my own forbidden fruit and looking into the eyes of eternity with vigilance
Millenniums racing past my own visions of daunting platitudes unbroken promises
Existence beyond a veneer coated in intangible faith as indelible as a simple hello
Beauty written bravely in dawns magic “Love's fire heats water, water cools not love”


Added by David Hauser on September 7, 2010 at 7:54am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/06/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 2

Riding a river of ostracizing filleting my bleached bones of ostentatious befuddlements
Quivering in void darkened moment of the soul when pitch black is deeper than midnight
Truisms dissolve into tenderness when obscurity is separated from mire beckoning death
In my insignificance catharsis I discover a sweet melancholic divinity lurking vicariously


Added by David Hauser on September 6, 2010 at 12:12pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/05/2010 Under the Banyan Tree

Under the banyan tree being engorged as a foolish insipid harbinger of pain
Myopic induced enlightenment observed tedious suffering inside a microcosm
Stuck at salvation horizon mirrored in a stupor engulfed in Shiva’s firestorm
Dying the death of a thousand cuts horrified by my awful truth of dissention

Added by David Hauser on September 5, 2010 at 7:29am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/04/2010 Dripping in Discovery

Smell Miracles raining on concrete they reek of decisions bathing running feet
Dripping in Discovery that heartache has died in a glissading of happiness untied
Running through un-tormented blades of soften grass and fragrance filled laughs
I hear it calling pattering a justice un-deranged rushing forever shouting out my name


Added by David Hauser on September 4, 2010 at 7:30am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/03/2010 Zen Mermaiden

Glimmering amber ripples at the water edge a staircase forms below a tranquil sea
Dithering velocity’s gentle rhythms transgressing adaptations transform before me
High priestess benevolence emerges form her throne where all contemplation begins
Echelons oar away at fabric of time manifesting a Mermaiden’s exquisite tasting Zen


Added by David Hauser on September 3, 2010 at 8:56am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/02/2010 Presidential Nature

Monumental casting light overwhelms my consciousness at all its precious sights
Livid in bliss its incomprehensible beauty fills my lips in futile attempts to describe
Rushing my embracing core life’s preamble floods my gifted unexplainable clarity
Humbled by its existence I praise its meaning to persevere throughout cascading eons


Added by David Hauser on September 2, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 09/01/2010 Dead of Night

It was the dead of the night and everything was silently disturbed
Preachers and New Anchors were not uttering anymore-hasty word
Shimmering hyperbole drenched fading below a whispers sullen breath
Facing facts of erased reactions I scrunch up my pillow again and rest


Added by David Hauser on September 1, 2010 at 9:07am — No Comments


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