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All Blog Posts Tagged 'guidance' (451)

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"You are always protected against lower energies, and you, you loved ones and home are safe."

Call in Archangel Michael when you need help with courage, to assist in the release of fear and other lower thought forms. As you make changes in your life and as you encounter challenges, you are always safe and secure.

Have a heart to… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 20, 2010 at 3:18am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"You are blessed to attract to you Serenity, love, tranquility and peace"

The Angels in turn ask you to spread these beautiful qualities to others. Let this be a time of new beginnings and look to the past as a blessing in your evolution. Angel wisdom reminds you that you wouldn't be where you are now if it weren't for all that you have… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 19, 2010 at 4:57am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"When you are positive, you keep directing a stream of high vibrating energy."

Your every thought, words and actions pay immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and therefore the Angels recommend that you choose thoughts that are aligned with love, peace and harmony. WE can assist you in tuning into these… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 18, 2010 at 5:24am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"Soften your heart to everyone and everything, especially yourself."

Work at forgiving yourself and then others will naturally follow as you learn to live your life from the perspective of compassion. It is a powerful tool of spiritual growth. You don't need to change your stance or behaviour, it simply means that you… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 17, 2010 at 5:04am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"It is time to let go of many of things and some of this process might seem painful and difficult, however it is worth the journey to the other side."

There are actions and people from the past that you are being urged to gently let go of. Soon enough the purpose or this process - as difficult as it may seem at the time - will become… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 16, 2010 at 5:11am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"Allow me the pleasure and honour of draping you in this robe of light darling"

"I am at your service, and know that this doesn't diminish my ability to perform humble service. I know that the noblest of professions is to shine beams of light to cast away shadows and to illuminate the… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 15, 2010 at 5:11am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"Creativity is an energy for adventure and change"

Surround yourself with positively charged energy today and engage in a creative pursuit that speaks from your heart. Do something that inspires ideas and inspirations. Let your imagination flow.

Feel the beauty of oxygenating your every cell by taking a walk in nature,… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 14, 2010 at 5:44am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"Know that you can experience these desires right now~"

Stay focused on your desires. It is sometimes hard when you feel that everything around you is so full of energy that you just want to step back and hibernate. The Angels say that NOW is the time to release any thoughts of less than or I can't and move… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 13, 2010 at 5:29am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"This is a time of major opportunity, find the balance and power within"

Believe in your own worth, and stay true to your dreams, your soul is telling you that there is something about this time that is urging you to go with the energy.… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 12, 2010 at 5:04am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"You are reminded that your very essence is love and that love is a powerful energy"

Open your heart center and share your love with everyone and everything. This does not mean that you do whatever they ask of you, it means that you… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 11, 2010 at 7:17am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"Light brings hope and inspiration to all aspects of your life"

Ask your Angels to fill you with more light, as it contains spiritual information that will help you grow. Light will bring you clarity, love and peace.

As you bring more light into your life, your life purpose(s) become illuminated, becoming stronger and clearer as you can then… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 10, 2010 at 6:26am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"It is time for you to make your real feelings and beliefs known. Share who you are with yourself and others."

Let people see your true nature. Let people feel your wisdom, and follow what lies in your heart.

Your relationships will change when you 'come out of the closet', ones that aren't evolving will naturally drop away, and others will deepen because you will know that you are loved for… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 9, 2010 at 5:05am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind, or from other people."

You're hearing true Divine guidance very clearly. It comes in the form of repetitious messages, urging you to improve a situation for yourself or others. Pay close attention to everything you hear in your mind and with your physical ears. Divine directives are repetitious, loving, and… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 8, 2010 at 5:11am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"It is time to set your sights higher, to focus your intent."

Take action accordingly as your intuition is correct. You have the power to choose, so align your thoughts with

love, peace and harmony. Each action is an investment in what happens next. Focus only upon your true desires. Stretch yourself to… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 7, 2010 at 5:05am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"When all around you seems to be falling apart, take a breath, and connect with your beautiful Terra"

In these changing times that you are amidst, remember to stay optimistic and ground yourself regularly. Use the power of affirmations to keep your focus, and your conscious connection with Mother Earth… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 6, 2010 at 6:41am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"Release anything that is worrying you or holding you back"

If you are attached people, things, or circumstances, it is time to release. If you are holding expectations of others to make things better, it is time to release this as it holds you to a lower frequency that keeps you stuck where you are.… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 5, 2010 at 7:06am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"You always have a choice, choose peace and see only love"

As you think about the various options and possible outcomes, what brings the greatest feelings of peace and love to your body and your mind? This is always the best step to take. Listen to your hearts truth

for it has much wisdom to share with you.

If you are faced with a situation where you find yourself out of love,

stop, take a… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 4, 2010 at 11:11am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"It is time to release all that doesn't match your new energy and move on"

The Angels wish to remind you that it is time to release projects, groups, responsibilities etc, that aren't really yours to those who's journey they belong to. In the past you tried to 'keep busy' taking on all kinds of tasks and projects. While many of them brought you… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 2, 2010 at 7:08am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn



Walk away from restrictions and be free! You have the power and the right to change your life so that you experience more freedom. This signifies that you soul is crying out for more freedom, especially as it involves your life's purpose. Perhaps it is time to take a break so that you can think clearly about your desires and available… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on August 1, 2010 at 5:11am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"You now have the opportunity to write the script, What do you desire?"

Now is the time to decide what you really want to manifest in your life, using your determination to manifest results in the physical world. You need to take control, grab those reins and move forward - and be sure you are heading in the… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on July 31, 2010 at 5:20am — No Comments

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