Architects of a New Dawn

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All Blog Posts Tagged 'success' (620)

Daily Insights

All that is important...

Is your vision

Of the life

You love to live

Your belief

All your desires

Are fulfilled

Through knowing

You are creating

Your abundance

With unique experiences

That you alone

Create the conditions

Of your life

And can change them

At any time

By changing your beliefs

It is all about

Living your passion

Your values

Your vision

You are a powerful

Energy being

Not here to…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 3, 2012 at 3:01am — No Comments

Daily Insights

The ego...

Is not about 

Being big headed

The ego 

Is the conditioning

That keeps you 

Small and feeling


All while you

Let this take over

You cause 

Your own resistance

To abundance flowing

When you let

Your energy

Take the lead

Ego looses

It's power

Your energy is where

True unconditional 

Love resides

When you love

Who you are

Believe and honour



Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 2, 2012 at 4:31am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Hold strong ...

To your values

These are what

Define you

These help you

Create your vision

Of the life

You love to live

Take your focus off

Those who would

Make you compromise

Your values

Understand they come

From the frequency

Of lack

And low self worth

Are disconnected

From their

Energy essence

Hold strong

To belief 

You are worthy

And capable

Of all…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 1, 2012 at 1:50am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Energy is always...

Bringing to you

The desires

You resonate

It does this

In this physical world

Through experiences

And opportunities.

It is then

Reliant on YOU

To have the confidence

To match, synchronise

And take action

On them.

In holding low

Self worth

You will not have

The confidence

To step up

You will always

Let opportunities

Slip by.

When you value

Your worth

Believe in…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 31, 2012 at 2:00am — No Comments

Daily Insights

In your day to day experiences...

Know they are there

From the

Perception of your


That your cells

Are activated

To resonate

The frequency

Of your beliefs

So if you believe

Yourself to be 

Unworthy of 

Wealth or love

You are resonating

The frequency of lack

You become worthy

When you stop 

Listening to 

External influence

Start listening 

To the power 

You hold inside you

You are…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 30, 2012 at 1:48am — No Comments

Daily Insights

When did living in fear...

Make you happy?

Why then

Do you do this everyday

When you

Buy into the conditioning

Of doom and gloom


From others place

Of lack

The objective of fear

Is to keep you

In control

Living other people's

Life experiences.

Your core energy

Always chooses

To live in

Abundance and unconditional love

When you let go

Of the ego

That tries to

Keep you small

Keep you in…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 29, 2012 at 2:40am — No Comments

Daily Insights

All opportunities...

In wealth, success

Happiness and love

Flow freely

When you begin

To believe

In your wholeness

When you honour

Your worth

When you take on

And own your power

That comes from


Your power releases


Embraces vulnerability

In opening up

Unconditional love

To allow your


Of true abundance

Is your creation

Of the realization

Of your connectedness

With everything and…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 28, 2012 at 2:13am — No Comments

Daily Insights

When you live...

For others acceptance

For their approval

You give up

Your power

You then live

Their life experience

You are here

As an energy being

To live YOUR unique

Life experience


This physical body

To create

Your reality

Of living your

Passion and purpose

Hold strong

To your values

These are what

Define who you are

Focus on your desires

Be strong

In the belief

Of how…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 27, 2012 at 12:56am — No Comments

Daily Insights

All transformation...

In your life

Will happen

When you begin

To define

Who you are

By holding

Your vision

Of the life

You love to live

Your vision

Holds your values

When you know

Your values and vision

You then define YOU

In honouring

And believing

In your self worth


You allow

To accept and receive

From the high frequency

Of self worth

Energy will attract

The same frequency



Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 26, 2012 at 2:40am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Your experiences...

Are your indicator

Of how in alignment

You are with your energy

What comes to you

Is a reflection

Of what you 


About yourself

When your experiences

Cause you conflict

Stress or worry

This is an indicator

You are not 


Your self worth

You are living 

In reaction

Instead of creation

Begin to read

Your experiences

As they are there

To be…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 24, 2012 at 2:44am — No Comments

Daily Insights

When you believe...

You are alone

You send this out

In your frequency

Energy will attract back

The same frequency

In experiences

Supporting your belief

When you believe

You are unloved

You attract the same

You are an energy being

Part of everything

And everyone

Connected to all

Feeling alone

Is merely a perception

It is actually

The feeling of disconnection

From your core energy

Go within

Here is…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 23, 2012 at 2:23am — No Comments

Daily Insights

When you understand...

As energy 

You are immortal

Never ending

Part of 

Everything and everyone

You can view

Your physical existence

From a different perspective

You are not here

To get it all done

You are here 

As energy

Within the physical body

Having life experiences

The highs

The lows

They are all

Just experience

Not there

For blame


or conflict

There to…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 22, 2012 at 2:59am — No Comments

Daily Insights

The Glorious life...

Of your imagination

Will become reality

Once you set

Your foundations right

The key to making 

The life you 

Love to live

Is the time you give

To knowing


And loving


The belief

You have in yourself

The honour 

For your worth

The complete

Unconditional love

You allow yourself


Your beliefs

Your beliefs determine



Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 21, 2012 at 3:50am — No Comments

Daily Insights

As you fulfill...

Your passion and desires

There will always

Be those who

Seek to reign you in

Bring you down


They do this

From their place

Of lack

Their core energy

Recognizes higher frequency

Their frustration, pettiness

Is their indicator


They are in lower frequency

So out of alignment

With their…

Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 20, 2012 at 7:55am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Experiences will happen...

That match

The frequency

You resonate

What you perceive

Is your indicator

Of how in alignment

You are

When you experience

Situations or people

Who make you feel

Stressed, anxious or upset

Understand this has come

From your own

Lack of self worth

You are just witnessing

Energy bringing

The same frequency

You resonate out

By changing your belief

Learning to love YOU



Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 19, 2012 at 3:36pm — No Comments

Daily Insights

Every experience you encounter...

Comes to you

From the transmutation

Of energy

Signaled from

The frequency

Of your beliefs

When you experience

Conflict, frustration

Or fear

This indicates you are

Resonating low frequency

That you are in

Low self esteem or confidence

It is not about reacting

To situations

It is all about

Creating the right belief

To resonate and attract

The high frequency

Of abundance



Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 18, 2012 at 1:41am — No Comments

Daily Insights

You only witness...

Lack and limitation

Through believing

You are not worthy

Of abundance

Through believing

The conditioning

There to keep you

In fear

All while this

Is your belief

You resonate out

The frequency

Of lack and limitation

Energy will attract

Back the same frequency

In experiences of

Limitation and control

To change your frequency

Means changing

Your belief

Which calls for

Knowing you are…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 17, 2012 at 2:45am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Knowing your passion...

Comes with defining

Who you are

Not by your title

Not by your career

Not by your family

Who YOU are

By your values

By your vision

Of living the life

You love

A life that fills you

With creativity


And passion

This comes by

Taking your focus off

Those who try to


Your life experiences

Who try to

Keep you small

From their own

Place of lack

Moving your…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 15, 2012 at 11:58pm — No Comments

Daily Insights

To accept and receive...

Wealth and abundance

You must first

Accept and receive

Love for yourself

Honour for your

Self worth

Wealth is energy

Money is energy

Both directly correlate

To self worth.

What you believe


The frequency you resonate

Low self worth

Lack of confidence

Resonates low frequency

It creates resistance

To the energetic

Flow of wealth

Belief in your

Self worth

In your…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 15, 2012 at 2:12am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Your desires happen...

As quickly

As you believe they will

Your belief

Is the signal

For your cells

To send out 

The frequency of abundance


Your worth


Your capabilities



Are how you

Give the right signals

Within in you

There is 




It is YOU

Command your desires

Own the life 

You know 

You are here to…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 14, 2012 at 10:25am — No Comments

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