Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Edel O'Mahony's Blog (893)

Daily Insights

Poverty is a conditioned belief...

There to keep you

In 'scare-city'

For those who live in fear

Can be controlled

Causing resistance

To your natural

State of abundance

Your power

Is within you

Learning to step away

From the conditioning

Means learning

To breathe

To connect with

Your energy essence

Tapping in

And communicating with energy

It takes belief

In your self-worth

In your ability to create



Added by Edel O'Mahony on December 10, 2011 at 2:47am — No Comments

Daily Insights

In feelings of isolation...

Understand this is energy

Showing your disconnection

It is your physical body

Out of alignment

With your energy essence

Your move into

Lower frequency

Through self doubt

In reacting to the conditioning

Perceived around you

Energy is always in

High Frequency

Where pure

Unconditional love resides

Here you honour

Your self-worth

Here you are a powerful creator

Here is absolute…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on December 9, 2011 at 1:30am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Wealth and success...

Are not dependent 

On how hard you work

Or the money you make

Physical money

Does not exist

Money and wealth

Are energy

The catalyst for their flow

Is your self worth

If you do not honour

Your self worth

If you do not deem yourself 

Worthy of success, wealth or love

You resonate…

Added by Edel O'Mahony on December 8, 2011 at 3:49am — No Comments

Energy just loves when you own your abundance…








































You have to live…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on September 10, 2011 at 3:46am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Allowing your abundance to flow to you...
Starts with letting go of fear
With letting ego know 
It is no longer in control
With knowing and believing
Energy now takes control
Self doubt, low self worth
Will also be let go
Self love, self confidence 
Will step into their place
Fear controls you staying in lack
Self love is the opening
To abundance and bliss.

Added by Edel O'Mahony on September 10, 2011 at 3:42am — No Comments

Energy in its purest form is love…

Energy in its purest form is love

Pure unconditional love

It is only from our human perspective of fear and lack of belief in ourselves

That we disconnect from that high energy vibration

We then feel alone, isolated, abandoned

When in fact by loving ourselves, exalting in our fearless magnificence

We connect, we ‘feel’ the energy of all, in every… Continue

Added by Edel O'Mahony on May 28, 2011 at 10:06am — No Comments

Appreciate…be happy for others success, brings more of your own...

Appreciation is one key factor in allowing abundance to flow to you. This is not just confined to finding something that makes you smile or feel good, this is where you open up and let yourself be abundant.

In my programme Path of the Peaceful Warrior, I talk about your Personal Emotional Guidance System, this is how you can readily check where your vibratory resonance…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on May 26, 2011 at 6:31am — No Comments

Soldiers of Peace

Had to share this inspiring website with you:

‘We are bombarded with images of war. On the TV news, in our newspapers. The pictures pile up, and with them some solid assumptions. We assume that war is human nature. That there’s an epidemic of war and it’s only getting worse. That it’s too profitable for some businesses to be stopped. And too effective for some governments to give up. That war will be with us forever.

None of these things is true.

The world is…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on April 17, 2011 at 3:09am — No Comments

Law of Action

Newton’s laws of motion was introduced and discussed. It was said that…
‘Any of three laws of classical mechanics, either the law that a body remains at rest or in motion with a  constant velocity unless an external force acts on the body (first law of

the law that the sum of…

Added by Edel O'Mahony on April 17, 2011 at 3:00am — No Comments

The Law of Correspondence

What happens on the inside determines what happens on the outside
“As within, so without”.
“Our outer life will mirror our ‘inner’ life.”
There is a ‘direct correspondence’ between our experiences and our thoughts and attitudes.
This law simply makes clear…

Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 25, 2011 at 6:05am — 2 Comments

Your Strength is in loving yourself

The only thing that stops you from being totally abundant is fear...

Fear festers doubt...low self esteem...jealousy

Fear causes people to lash out in frustration at those finding happiness and confidence

Fear is where you are most disconnected from who you are meant to be

To let go of fear...find yourself...define yourself

Believe and know your potential is as limitless as the Universe

We are all from the same energy...we can all reconnect into that…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 25, 2011 at 5:59am — No Comments

The 12 Elemental Principles

I find that the science around the Law of Attraction is so fascinating. When science wakes up to what has always been there, all the elements, the building blocks of our physical world and ‘verifies’ that energy is everything.

I would like to bring you over this month, information on the 12 elemental principles that are the basis of all creation in the physical world.

I cover this in my seminars and there is never enough time to talk about my passion for Quantum Physics.

The Law… Continue

Added by Edel O'Mahony on January 7, 2011 at 11:07am — No Comments

God, You’re Amazing!

How often do you get told that you are amazing? …


Added by Edel O'Mahony on July 3, 2010 at 10:32am — No Comments


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