Love is like the ocean. I recommend you visit often… jump in… splash about… and surf in its waves, but don’t try to bottle it up and take it home. You can “receive” and even use the power of the ocean, but you can’t take it. If a bottle of sea water is a poor substitute for the ocean, likewise bottled up love is a poor substitute for the sense of infinite love that is available to everyone that is willing to just dive in. Like the ocean, love’s waves move further than you can see and deeper than you can dive.
How do you try to bottle up love? Do you hoard? Exclude others? Deny? Punish? Love can be the greatest when you’re inclined to resist it. When you think it is unsafe to love is exactly when you should…
What if your sense of justice was inspired by love instead of fear?
This quote by Jose Ortega y Gasset speaks about love, morality and instincts. Our instincts give us a sense of survival. Survival is not love. Morality gives us a sense of righteousness. Righteousness is not love and is often used as an excuse to forget to love.
Your sense of “get” is an illusion that diminishes your sense of love… eliminate the “get” and you’ll experience infinite love.
Some say love is a process of forgive and forget. Consider instead that love is for-giving and not for-getting. If you’re in a relationship that needs more love, take a look at what there is to say or do for-giving to the other and what is there that is for-getting love?
Your sense of “for get” is not about how you got hurt… it is about the hurt that caused you to forget how to love. Reduce the thoughts you have “for getting” love and you’ll experience more love.
Love can not be confined, defined, or denied. It is always, forever and everywhere.
Love is infinite. Love is courageous. Love is for giving.
Your birthright is only to enjoy it.
The only love there is… is the love we make…
When it’s all said and done, did you give more than you take?
~ Prince Rogers Nelson
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