Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Important Energy Alert

3rd Eye goes Retrograde

Yes, it's that time again, Earth Students.

This time, we have a stunning stellium of planets, asteroids, moons, and space debris forming a quincunx-trireptilian elliptical-switch-off which is conjunct Chiron.

This amazing lineup in the heavens will begin at precisely 17:32 UT (Universal Time) on March 21st, and seating will be limited, so please arrive early.

The 3rd Eye, or The Cosmic Seer, will turn retrograde in Aries, The Cosmic Control Freak, causing a lot of people to start looking back over their shoulders. Any retrograde period represents the opportunity to look back, perhaps for the last time, review, revisit and finally move past what is not useful any longer.

This 3rd Eye Retrograde period will be even more powerful, as Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, and Goofy, will form a Grand Cross, forcing the energies through the nozzle of Pluto, which will further trigger the flow of the Grand Irrationality.

3rd Eye retrograde energies during this period, are important as the 3rd Eye is being phased out of circulation. We must tie up loose ends, revisit old sights, get past the obstacles, so that we may make room for the incoming 4th Eye.

Many somewhat Almost Ascended Masters have informed us that many Used 3rd Eyes will be donated to those who have lower vibrational energies. Caution should be exercised when choosing Used 3rd Eyes. Adverse reactions have been reported.

Symptoms of 3rd Eye Rejection include, but are not limited to: frequent urination, upset stomach, skin rashes around the 3rd Eye location, possible deep insight, blurred vision, and should you experience ejections that last for more than 8 hours, discontinue use of the Used 3rd Eye.

3rd Eye Retrograde as it impacts each sign:

For Aries or Aries Rising:
This retrograde period will be in your 1st House, so this will force you to look back at your childhood. Why did you choose to be such a Control Freak, how's that working for ya?
Dietary suggestions for this period include eliminating corn chips and salsa, adding graham crackers, especially chocolate grahams, to your usual routine will enhance your psychic abilities.

Exercise is highly important for you right now. As you go about your usual routine in the coming days, you should stop, allow all of your eyes to glaze over; encourage your jaw to relax and drop. Once you are in a completely relaxed state, please lift your left leg, as anything on your left side is for reception of energy, healing and other stuff. Maintain your balance as long as you can, remaining unfocused so that you open yourself up fully to the new energetic frequencies heading your way. It's best that you do this exercise outdoors and driving while doing this exercise could be quite dangerous.
Good times ahead for Aries!

For Taurus and Taurus Rising:
This retrograde period will be in your 2nd House, so this will compel you to think about why you always want what you want when you want it. Your tantrums when things don't go your way just have to end. You're all growed up now. Think about why you've chosen the bull shit, and incidentally it's not all about you, you, you.

Dietary suggestions for this period are quite simple, for you Dear Bull---you must choose the higher vibrations found in M & M's, radishes, and beans.
Exercises to utilize during this time of inner soul searching: Find a busy place in the heart of the business section of town. Sit in the lotus position, close your eyes and take several deep breaths, envisioning with each exhalation that the bull you hold onto in your cellular memory is being lifted from you and taken out into the universe for healing and transmutation.
We have a special designated area in the Grids for waste such as this, which will be recycled into notebooks for people to use as journals. With each breath that you take in, picture little pretty flowers entering the crown of your head. Picture those cute little buttercup flowers settling in to your solar plexus and allow the energy to bloom! Do this exercise at varying times each day and do not let the distractions of the world around you enter your auric field.
Take time to smell the flowers, Taurus!

For Gemini and Gemini Rising:
Gemini, this retrograde will land right smack dab in your 3rd House, where many thoughts will have you thinking thoughts you've never thought of before. There is one common element here for you to think about, your thoughts. Try to clear your mind chatter of thoughts, in order to allow the energy of other thoughts to come through.
Activities that will assist you in raising your foot chakra energies are highly important during this period.
If you are in your office right now reading this, go stand by the receptionist. Close your eyes and take just one single breath and hold it, staring at the receptionist as you do this. Do not allow the ringing of the phone to distract you. Imagine as you hold your breath, that roots are sinking into the carpet or tile beneath your feet, see the roots growing down, seeking and searching for the stable foundation that you so sorely need. It is important that you remain grounded in the reception area of your office for at least 5 minutes. After that, go back to your usual routine. Foods to eat during this period include: egg whites, cucumbers and pickle relish.
Remember Gemini, your thoughts create reality, but too many thoughts can lead to indirect communication, which is strictly forbidden at this time.

For Cancer and Cancer Rising:
Cancer, this has really gone on long enough---your moods, your withdrawal when you imagine that someone has hurt your feelings. Grow the freak up already! During this period you will gain new insights into your childhood, your family and it's best that you not let your quirky nature out of the bag until others won't hurt your oh so delicate feelings, causing you to clam up.

The one exercise you should employ during this period is as follows:
Find a dark closet somewhere, preferably not in your own house, apartment or condo. We suggest that you ask a neighbor to loan you the use of one of their broom closets, or even a laundry room will do.
Once your eyes acclimate to the dark closet, sit on the floor. Raise your right arm over your head and bend it towards your crown chakra. Hold this position and chant the following in a monotone voice, if possible:
My moods are one.
I am one with my moods.
Other people are one with my moods.
I am thankful for my moods, but others are not thankful for my moods.
I like clams, but I really prefer crab legs or lobster tails.
Shrimps are nice too, but only with Old Bay seasoning.
Repeat these chants for at least 45 minutes to an hour.
Walk outside, open your arms to the Universe, twirl in a counter clockwise direction and then go home.

At this point, I would like to request that no one get upset that we spent a little bit more time with Cancer. It's just that it's almost impossible to deal with them and they needed the extra attention.

In Part 2, we will explore how the old 3rd Eye Energies, which were stationary somewhere around Jupiter, in conjuction with other bull shit, will impact Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. We will also include an updated list of properties that are available for rent or lease, in the 9th vector, intersecting the Palisades Parkway region of Section 4 in Zone 22 of the Matrix.

These are truly exciting times...

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