Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Current mood: blessed
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Acknowledge your behavior whether it be negative or positive. When you discern how to do this you can be free from judging yourself and others. discern for yourself, with your intellect that which is a negative or a positive action. We all have emotions that stem from being human. Your intellect can step in to discern which action should be taken to make a positive ripple effect with a positive choice. Get out of denile that one person is not enough. You are all You have control over. We are all human and could stand room for improvement. Oh Please, don't compare yourself to others. You are, You! yes only one and this is a good thing. Yeah, we all have gifts, gifts to share. Each of us is a work in progress. Each of us being as important as the other, not more so, but equally important. We have all fallen short of some expectation. Expectations can set you up for disappointment Can you, "Be like water", or "Go with the flow". I am in control of me, I can choose to, "Go with the flow", or "Be like water" These things I do have a choice of. I can choose to walk in love. Each of us only has to be the best Me, each of us can be. This way we would not concern ourselves so much with what others behavior is. Passive aggression is not a positive. We know none of you is faultless. Many negative feelings/emotions stem from a normal human desire to please self. Not a positive, but definitely human. I ask you to stretch your mind past the psyco babbel about "self", and move toward, "selflessness". Selfless acts of love. Giving these things gives much more to You! They pay your heart and soul with joy beyond measure. Some people will have trouble with this concept of which I speak. It is simple, I value all life, I value you! I try to value, honor, respect life, me, you. No one is above the other, all equally believe all humans are born with a sense that they have to feel satisfied, still human desires. But this is where intellect can step in and discern which is the best positive action to take. Thus creating a positive ripple effect. Of course you can also choose the negative and ripple that out as well. I believe you can replace emptyness, loneliness sadness, etc... They can be turned around through selflessness. Giving does more for you, it gives to your heart and soul until you are filled with endless joy! This is why I say being the best you, that you can be is all you can do to be successful Do not confuse wealth with money. Do not confuse knowledge with wisdom. I say again it all comes back to your choice. Choose to be a loving and positive being. Willing to accept your responsibility for your choices. Take some extra time to use your intellect over your emotions. You can take the time to make your ripple effect one that sends Love and respect to our ever needing world. Yeah!
God, Blessed be He, I acknowledge that I have sinned through my own fault. In my thoughts, and in my words. In what I have done and what I have failed to do. I ask God, Blessed be He, do use my life as a positive vessel to do your will for this world! No matter what others may do, Help me to stay true to myself.
~♥~ Always be yourself, good people will always love You as You are!~♥~

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