Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Drunvalo explores the various cultures scattered all over the world that prophesied the great awakening of 2012. He explains what is going to happen on this date and connects the many signs that show the prophesied earth changes are already upon us. As well as how we can change the potential outcomes and timelines.

Drunvalo Melchizedek - 2012 Prophecies - Part1/8

Drunvalo Melchizedek - 2012 Prophecies - Part2/8

Drunvalo Melchizedek - 2012 Prophecies - Part3/8

Drunvalo Melchizedek - 2012 Prophecies - Part4/8

Drunvalo Melchizedek - 2012 Prophecies - Part5/8

Drunvalo Melchizedek - 2012 Prophecies - Part6/8

Drunvalo Melchizedek - 2012 Prophecies - Part7/8

Drunvalo Melchizedek - 2012 Prophecies - Part8/8





His recent film presents Drunvalo Melchizedek, best known for his contributions to our understanding of the human lightbody (MerKaBa) and sacred geometry, discussing a wide range of topics that are central to our collective and spiritual evolution. Topics include, the origins of Creation from a Melchizedek and Christ perspective, the imminent dimensional change that is upon us, Earth kundalini energy and its effect on human consciousness, the Fibonacci spiral and how life uses it for evolution in the physical plane and an uplifting message for an uncertain humanity as we enter a period of both great change and transformation.

This film will be found controversial for some, uplifting for others. But it provides a fresh perspective on the prophesied coming changes in a way that those who choose to do their own research will find validating. Perhaps most compelling are the indigenous perspectives on entering the heart and our need to learn a non-polarized way of creating our Reality.

In fact, later this month, the Mayans will begin to release information for the first time to the outside world. For the past two years the National Mayan Council of Guatemala, has been meeting to interpret the glyphs that relate to their prophecies. The Council of 440 elders (265 grandfathers and 175 grandmothers) is led by Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, a 13th generation Quiche Mayan high priest and elected leader)

They have not spoken as one people, in unity for 528 years. They have remained largely quiet as researchers, archeologists, scientists and anthropologists wrote books and papers about them. All the knowledge that we have of them is coming from non-Mayans. But now, they themselves will speak in total unison, as one people to reveal things that have been underground since the landing of the conquistadors. Due to some of the work that Drunvalo Melchizedek has done with them for 25 years and his connection to the modern world, he was asked to bring this information to the techno-cultural people of the world.

What I was told from Drunvalo is that they retain the cultural memory of the last dimensional shift on the planet 13,000 ago. But they also have the memory of the previous one, 26,000 years ago. This gives them a memory of both ascending and descending cycles of consciousness and what is needed to successfully pass through it. According to the Maya, when these shifts occurred previously, great loss of life was unnecessarily experienced by humanity because they were in fear. The Maya and certain other indigenous cultures said that when one enters into the heart in a certain way, at that time they are able to ride with the shift in consciousness and bring their bodies and memories of the previous cycle (age) with them. They say this is imminently upon us now and they wish to spare the rest of humanity from needlessly repeating what happened before. In addition, they say the old ways of the tribes and indigenous peoples and the way of the so-called “modern” peoples must unite together; that unless we can find a way to honor and respect the planet and re-discover this forgotten aspect of ourselves as an expression of the divine, then neither culture can advance. In other words, we need them as much as they need us.

If you will notice, for the last few decades now, previously secret traditions, knowledge and techniques have been released from various cultures openly to the world. They all say basically the same thing: “Because its time. All the different peoples are in this together and we have a way that has worked for us.” They have released these teachings in order to help the upliftment of a planet that needs to remember whom they are in time to make the leap they say is coming.

On July 29th, Drunvalo Melchizedek will broadcast via the web, the beginning information that he was given permission by the Maya to go public with. This will be available to about 40-50 countries. There is a website that allows you to subscribe to these web casts:

Another video interview with Drunvalo, already on Google video, also talks about some of these events and what it means to human consciousness and our role in helping to birth this new way of Being. See:

Many see this Shift/Ascension/2012 scenario and express it in different ways and different terminologies. This video mixes scientific and tribal explanations to make this as understandable to people as possible. Try and see the way in which this presentation harmonizes both approaches to give an awakening humanity another clue to the direction it needs to go: Into the Sacred Space of the Heart

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Comment by SpiritWalker on July 14, 2009 at 10:06am
Hello Christopher,
I can't wait to watch Drunvalos videos. I have read his book, Serpent of Light Beyond 2012. I am very excited about the webcast also. Thanks so much for posting this info. I will watch vids when I get a chance, even if I can't watch all at once. I think it's vital information to us all.
Love, your sister in peace,


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