FREEDOM OF YOUR SOUL"You are guided to freely express and be true to your thoughts and feelings."
See the beauty within your current experience and know that it is time to fulfill that which is in your heart and your passion. There is a longing within each soul who is not expressing themselves in their highest light. There is an underlying current of dissatisfaction, no matter how successful that person is within them if they are not honouring what they came here to accomplish. Everything that you do in your life is by choice and the Angels wish to remind you that is okay to choose again.
Work very closely with your Angels during this transition in your life. Surrender any guilt or other negative emotions you might be carrying around to us and let us assist you in your transformation. Know that endings are beginnings and each phase of your life is a new cycle. Use the energy of your longing to create and focus on freeing your soul.
You are dearly loved, the AngelsCOPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
thank you
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