Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Amaterasu


Come out of the closet

It is time for you to make your real feeling and beliefs known. This message asks you to reveal who you really are to yourself and others. This may involve having a heart-to-heart discussion with a loved one or allowing other people to see your true nature. You will be spiritually supported in this process, and the ascended masters will help you to be lovingly honest. As a result of coming out of the closet, your relationships will deepen because you'll know that you're loved for who you really are.

Let go of judgements about yourself or others. Speak your truth with love. Trust that your authentic self is lovable and likable.

Amaterasu is the Japanese Shinto sun goddess who was so bright and radiant that her parents sent her to Heaven, where she now shines down upon humanity. Amaterasu became upset when her brother the storm god was demolishing the planet, so she hid herself in a cave in protest, and the world grew cold and dark. The other gods tried everything to coax her out. Nothing worked until they finally put a mirror a the cave entrance. When Amaterasu saw her bright and beautiful reflection, she finally came out of the cave. You can call upon Amaterasu to increase your self esteem and t reveal your true self to others.

*from Doreen Virtue's Ascended Masters Oracle Deck*

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

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