The Astro-Sage
Looking at the Climate for February 2010...
“The groundhog is like most other prophets; it delivers its prediction and then disappears”.
~Bill Vaughn~
Greetings Fellow Travelers!
February arrives and we’re 41 days into winter... radiant white sunlight casts deep blue shadows on snow banks in the northern climes and tropical currents begin to respond to the collusion of warm waters from the south mingling with the arctic waters of the north. The heavenly dance from the time of Janus continues with the Moon trining Mercury and opposing Uranus while Saturn in retreat squares Pluto (not unlike fingernails on the cosmic chalkboard).
Will Punxsutawney Phil be brave enough to confront his shadow under these influences? Only time will tell.
Once past Groundhog Day on the 2nd the Pilgrim advances and takes note of Mercury’s passage into Aquarius on the 10th, a lighter environment for the winged messenger. Communication should begin to speed up as the Son of Jupiter shakes off the dust of earthy Capricorn and breaks through the clouds toward Sol. Introspection comes to the darkened corners of Saturn’s seat and truths are revealed.
The Sage is alert to innuendo!
Faire Venus enters Pisces on the 11th of February bringing Art to the depths of the Sea of the Soul. She will be entering the Court of the Lord of the Planets on the 16th... to Jovial Jupiter’s delight! For those who have been diligently seeking, the door will be opened and prosperity reigns!
The Moon will be newing late on the eve of the 13th bringing blessings to the arrival of the
Year of the Tiger.
Valentine’s arrows are loosed to the hearts of the Lovers! On the 14th
Gung Hei Fot Choy!... Dragons will dance and the demons depart! The Sun conjuncts Neptune in preparing to enter the Realm of the Fishes and the Moon conjuncts Jupiter during this New Year’s dance...
A jovial mood continues through Fat Tuesday but indulgences will demand payment on the Wednesday of Ashes as the Moon squares Pluto and opposes Saturn in passage.
For the mischievous chela, ashes and sackcloth! Mineral water and abstinence will settle body and soul.
Sol enters Pisces on the 18th of February, bringing warmth to the Ocean of Mystical Souls. Radiant light filters down to the depths and sparkling treasures will surely be revealed to those who are prepared to dive deep.
The last day of the month sees the Fulling of the Moon in Virgo and the oppositional forces bring forth one’s dreamy desires. Mercury will conjunct Neptune in Aquarius as he rushes to catch up with the Sun...
fog causes caution with words spoken in haste! The Sun, in its passing of Munificent Jupiter, will spark the urge to ascend and expand... favors will be given to those visionary Pilgrims who have endured.
Moods lighten this month as the Reign of Jupiter is forwarded and the idea of
“Pax Piscean” embraced. The Sage urges the chela to shake off the dreary old dust of the past year and plan for a celebration of newfound Light! This is a time of Forgiveness and Love as the Universe unfolds and expands...
wisdom lies in the understanding that one can only have what one is willing to extend to others, so the worthy withhold nothing from the family of man! Mercury thus becomes the Messenger of Grace.
BlessingLight&Love from the Celestial Ashram...
In Humble recognition of our shared Divinity
The AstroSage~
Phil: What if there were no tomorrow?
Gus: No tomorrow? That would mean there would be no consequences, there would be no hangovers. We could do whatever we wanted!
Phil: [thinking] That's true. We could do...whatever we wanted.
From the movie:
Groundhog Day
The AstroSage (aka Onefeather) can be contacted at:
His webpage and the services he offers is located at:
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