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Awakening is BIG NEWS these days
LISTEN: Ex Wall Streeter Alan Gompers tell his awakening in prison - after crashing from Wall Street and the high life.
Descent began on Wall Street - making insidious amounts of money
Karma - Bernie Madoff still carrying bitternessHow Fear Depletes You and Drives you to Commit Crimes Against Your Own True Nature - and SocietyThe Vicious Cycle of Dependency and How It Self Re-inforcesThe Fallacy of Success Created by FearWhat It's Like to Leave a Screaming Wife as the Cops are Taking You - Handcuffed - to Jail"My heart broke when my wife went off with another man...right after we had renewed our vows..."What It's Like - Going From High-roller to Prison Inmate - The Inside Story from a ConThe Other Inmates Terrified Me in Maximum Security PrisonSitting Alone in the Prison Courtyard, Devastated When a Ray of Truth Hit Me - I was Never the Same SinceThe Attraction Factor from the Point of an Awakened SoulI was Living Life Wearing a Game face - and Dying InsideWhy a Prison Warden Broke Down and Sobbed in the Arms of a Condemned Man About to be Executed on Death RowLISTEN HEREALAN'S STORY - AND GET THE BOOK
Phenomenal - Breath-taking."
ForGIVEness ~ Untangling and unsnarling of old twisted patterns, blocks and knots that keep us from moving forward into our birthright of light and love.
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