Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Please check the blog to see these lyrics in their correct form.

For all we love
the time has come
For all we hold dear
the time is here.

To find the strength
and be that love
bringing the truth
and being the one

Let your heart proclaim
it's the time for change
be that change
be the one

Be the cause of change
be the cause of change
and from the darkness
will come the sun

Let's be the one's
brave and true
to save our children
and start anew

To have the courage
to keep us strong
loving our country
righting our wrongs

Let your heart proclaim
it's the time for change
be that change
Be the one.

Be the cause of change
be the cause of change
and from the darkness
will come the sun

Be the cause of change
light the flame
and everybody
will come

Be the cause of change
be the cause of change
be that change
be the one.

Let's be the one's to bring
peace to the darkest night
Let's be the one's to bring peace
to the country side.
Let's be the one's to bring peace
to the whole world wide
Let us bring peace....

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