Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Look, everyone knows I love Santana's music and have been inspired by it for over four decades, but I'm getting bored and tired by the way Carlos is borrowing quotes from here and there including religious titbits and anecdotes to support his lofty position in the musical and media community.
The preaching to audiences is a little condescending and the selective name dropping of his heroes is becoming old!
Claiming to support fronteer issues as peace and love has been unravelled by his moonwalking out of his commitment to do the gig in Israel in June due to "anti-Israeli pressure" whilst behaving like an old testament prophet in front of the media and audiences.
Secondly, when I look back at the albums of the past, I often question if Bill Graham (GRHS) have appreciated the music Carlos has been producing over the past decade?'
Bill loved and promoted Carlos and the group through the good and lean times, but the obvious selling out of Carlos and his Las Vagas finale and dodgy input into other music sisnce 'Supernatural' smacks of prostituting whatever dignity is left for the almighty dollar!
I applaude everyone's right to make money but calling 'Supernatural' "a masterpiece of joy" is laughable. It should be seen as "a masterpiece of good business practice"!
We love to be inspired by the musicality of Carlos and his amazing bands over the years but let's get back to what it's all about-the music!
When Carlos finally has enough dollar to open his ministry in Haiti; oops, sorry, I meant Hawaii, there will be enough time to preach to the converted, then!
Jeff Makor

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Comment by kathleen targal on February 19, 2010 at 10:58am
Interesting. I've never perceived Carlos as a prophet. To insinuate that he is a charlatan with lofty intent is way off mark."Borrowing tid-bits?" I call that reading and listening to ideas and thoughts of others and passing it on. Sure, i'd pick Lotus over Supernatural for me the pure magic of Santana is the live performance. Why assume a Vegas audience would be of a lesser ilk. I see it as an opportunity to see multiple shows without traveling city to city. Peace, Love & Lighten up!!!!
Comment by Ron Alexander on February 19, 2010 at 5:29am
Carlos Santana, besides his inspirational spirituality, is the most down to earth, humble big time performer I have ever met! Most of them try to avoid the public, but Carlos will talk to you as a fellow human being. I think he is one of the few people who really understands and practices the word namaste'. "Namaste'" - "Spirit in me greets the Spirit in you" or something like that - whatever I really felt seen & heard when I met this good man outside a food store. I have had plenty of other "stars" do what it takes to avoid, even one who was a friend from my younger days.
Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on February 18, 2010 at 12:11pm
the clarity of Carlos' music even in its darkest career periods is the proof of his spiritual purity.
Before judging, try to play around the world with endured strenght for so many decades and work without repose like him and then you will realize that he is not playing just for dollars!
New generations "burn out" in a few years for money and drugs he coming from 68 arrived in 2010 with renewed energy.
His music is like a living fountain . You don't have to care if his "water is salty or not". Supernatural was an album which did came out after the longest record silence in his career. during this period he was able to create a bridge with younger artists and his goal was fit his music to them. §Supernatural was another gift for us , different from others, like different where Illuminations, Caravanserai, 3, shango and other albums which marked an enhancement/change of direction.
This is not a shame on anybody, he's giving us - common people - the opportunity to create a network for us helping ourselves and the things he himself writes are just wise directions.
"If i hate someone" i am making a mistake but if i deny his positive music even to my enemy, well this enemy will never change and perhaps he will bag my pardon and will be my friend. you can't deny to anyone his music!


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