Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Blue Moon Transmission ~ Ashtar Command ~ Judy Satori


  31 August 2012

From the Galactic Council through Judy Satori
           A Message of Encouragement and Support from the Ashtar Command



Judy at Lily Pond

A Message From Judy Satori

I have been prepared by Spirit to transmit new recreation energy to prepare people for Earth's shift to the Fifth Dimension.  Now is the time to begin.  This energy is spiritual Light Language.  It is transmitted through very rapid energy words transmitted directly into the DNA, cellular template and energy fields of the body. 
My purpose is to get this energy to as many people as possible in 2012.  Please help me spread the word.
            Judy's Story 






















Like the lotus flower as it rises up through the muddy waters of a lake, humanity has for aeons been diminished and disempowered by being forced to exist within the confines of a third dimensional Earth.  Now Earth is ready for restoration and advancement, ascension to the fifth dimension.  A New Earth is to be created of peace, love and oneness with all life.  Humankind will come together as one global family.  As the Earth ascends, so too will YOU, but you need to be ready to hold the faster pulsating energy of the fifth dimension within your physical body and energy fields.  You body must be healed and resynthesized.  This is the purpose of these energy transmissions from the Elohim.  To prepare us all for New Life on a New Earth.  


The month of August has two full moons. The 31st of August is what is called a "blue moon", with two full moons this month.  Today is an opportunity for us all to sit quietly, let go of cares and concerns and go within the heart to the truth of our being.  We are at a time of expansion of body and mind. Energy is flooding into the Earth and indeed the entire Milky Way Galaxy through a stargate, or energy portal, opening on the star AldebaranThis stargate is opening as part of a Divine Plan for the evolutionary advancement of all life within this galaxy.  However, this influx of energy can be challenging for us to adapt to, both physically and emotionally.  


to listen and download



   The focus of this "blue moon" transmission is to bring through a message of encouragement and support, as well as energy transmissions to stabilize and strengthen the inner foundations of YOU.




We want to continue making these transmissions free, but each time they are downloaded we are charged.  Please only download once, save to your computer desktop and replay from your computer desktop.  It is suggested that you listen to this transmission lying down.



Ascension Tools to Support You  


Click on the tabs on the left hand side of the website.  For most energy activations listen as least three times.  For Karmic Clearing audios (Karma Klear) listen three times at one session per day for seven days or 21 days.  You can then to go deeper with the clearing of a particular belief or pattern of consciousness by listening nine times at one session per day for a further five days or longer if desired.  These energy activations will not cause any harmful affects, but they may initiate clearing release with physical or emotional symptoms for a few days.  This is similar to when you go through a physical detoxification process.  It is best to only work on one Karmic Clearing activation, or one CD or Mp3 program at a time.


Website Tabs say...


Free Energy Activations:  The Three Blessings for Health, Abundance and Joy...and more


Ascension and You:  Energy work to clear and work with current ascension symptoms


Karma Klear:  Energy activations to clear belief systems created by past and current life trauma


Self Mastery:  Personalized numerology and astrology for self understanding and self mastery







'Love is the Key and the Way'



 Judy Satori | PO Box 339 | Naples | NY | 14512

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