Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Breathe in the beauty that is around you
every day
Let not the winds of change confound you
on your way
The child within must have some toys
for play
For to create is just you breathing out
your way

Taking in and breathing out
(The artist is at work)
It comes so naturally on the breath
which heaves and hisses as it tries to articulate
Always with the understanding that he will be misunderstood
For it is the process that must not end
The result is off the point
It is the breathing that must swell and deflate forever
Like the heart
Is art

by Ravinn O. West

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Comment by Ravinn O. West on March 12, 2010 at 10:57am
Manny, I pick up on your word authentic. The creative process reveals us and it is only when we are true to ourselves(authentic) that we are successful revealing ourselves as we really are. That's what makes fine art so wonderful...whether it be music, painting, books or video... we resonate with REAL...
Comment by drmike on March 11, 2010 at 11:23am
Thanks Ravinn for the beauty in the words and a reminder of the interconnectedness of we humans with the other species.
Comment by Ravinn O. West on January 2, 2010 at 2:40pm
Another year in our journey lies ahead. It is at this signpost that we must commit to living in the present. Walking every step and taking it all in is so much better than raising up on tip toe trying to see ahead, oblivious to where we are. Much love to you all....


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