Architects of a New Dawn

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Conversations For Change: Weekly Tidbit

Back in the day when I worked in a county detox and treatment facility, we often heard clients talking about what they wanted. They wanted to stop drinking, they wanted their family back, they wanted to stop getting in trouble because of their anger, they wanted to change their lives. My supervisor used to respond to these statements with the question "How does it feel to want?" I interpreted his question as intending to provoke a shift of focus away from bemoaning what they didn't have to taking action towards their recovery.

"I just want my life back."
"You can't have anything that you want."
from the movie Conversations with God

In the movie, God explains that
"wanting" something only gets you more of the experience of wanting. It is a conversation for no change.

How does it feel to want?

Does it feel good? Many spiritual and motivational speakers suggest that the surest way to manifest your heart's desire is to feel good, to be happy, to be grateful, to live as if you already have your heart's desire.

I remember manifesting my first horse. I had wanted a horse since the first time I saw one (about age 4). I read the horse books and gazed with love longing at every equine that crossed my path. I spent a lot of time wanting, longing for something I did not have. A shift in my thinking occurred while I was a student in grad school. Since all my money was going to the college and I could not afford to buy a horse, I came to believe that someone was going to give me one. My friends thought I was a little nuts (this was back in the 80's), but I really thought that I was going to be gifted with a horse any day now. I moved to an apartment in a converted barn that was on 50 acres in the country. Because I talked about horses a lot, I was offered a part time job exercising racehorses at the local fairgrounds. That led to work at an Arabian horse ranch in exchange for riding privileges. When the ranch went bankrupt, the owners gave me a horse. Everyone was surprised by this gift, except me. I had the pasture ready.

So, as an experiment, try this: act as if you have, as if you are in, the experience of what you have been wanting and celebrate it. If you are wanting love, instead of struggling to find it, be love and be open to and grateful for all the love in your life. If you want freedom from a challenging situation, act as if you already have the wisdom of Einstein, the courage of Ann Frank, the compassion of Budda. If you want prosperity, celebrate all the abundance in your life. Start a conversation for change: prepare your pasture and the horse will appear.



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