Architects of a New Dawn

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Discovering Soul Delivery Systems

Bill Plotkin, in his book, "Nature of the Human Soul" explains that there are stages to life and ones development in them.
Right now, i'm in the "Apprentice in the Wellspring" stage of life, just blossoming out of the, "Wanderer in the Cacoon" stage of life.

For those of you who might not know About the "Apprentice in the Wellspring". It is the point in your life when you have found a Soul Delivery System. A way to act out your soul in the external world. This is also called, a career that your heart sincerely/deeply resonates with. Or a hobby your heart sincerely/deeply resonates with.

After years of Wandering in the Cacoon (the stage in life that comes before this one) I've realized that my soul delivery system is healing neglected/abused/mentally ill children who have experienced traumas.

And as I look back on my life so far, I realized that there were peices or traces of that already playing out in my life; personally but also impersonally. Like my deep interest in psychology in high school. And also my way of gossiping with my best friend was identifying childhood traumas in our classmates LOL. But now that i've grown, ofcourse I am more mature in my understanding and outlook.

I just want to write for anyone who may not have found thiers: The clues to your souls purpose really can lie in your past. And in your own way, connecting back to that in any medium. Whether it be artistically, musically, politically or educationally, etc... that place where your puzzle peice fits in perfectly, is there.

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