Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Earth changes, eruptions and empathy: it's all good!

Been flying off the handle lately? Feeling spacey or ungrounded? Or as though time seems to be speeding up? Relax. It's only ascension.

A lengthy channeling from the Ashtar Command, excerpted below, reminds us that what is happening in the Heavens, on Earth and in our own beings is all cosmic mirroring. Each of us is a Sun, carrying the Light of the Great Central Sun within us, and "being the bridge of this Light between you and the Earth, just as your solar sun is the bridge between the Central Sun and your solar sun." As above, so below.

Ashtar counsels, "As you witness solar sun eruptions and flares, look at the other 'suns' about you and you will see these same flare-ups and eruptions taking place. As you witness this mirror effect, look below you and you will also see all kinds of erratic behavior and eruptions taking place upon the Earth." (Such as our recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile). READ THE REST!

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on March 3, 2010 at 12:23pm
we are all affected by cosmic forces......
this "dipendence" has to be considered a blessing and not a shame.
but today society doesn't leave us enough time to adapt.
longer winters affects humor, great solar activity may cause earthquakes.
It's up to ourselves resisting this changes sharing and compensate each other's emotions and changing boring schedules and plans to reach higher levels.

Even earth changes witness theese facts.
The SPIRIT and INFINITE generate forces without dixipations that can run trough miles and time.
only the INFINITE can lead our soul sacrifice. Soul is celestial and represent through mind the first bridge between humanity and all the love of the universe


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