Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


~* In 1994, I was very blessed to have a reading done by a Shaman and subsequently was told that my TOTEM animal is the ELEPHANT ~*

Ancient Power

An Elephant totem gives you
ancient wisdom and power to draw upon.
It embodies strength and power.
Elephant people often have a very strong sex drive. Through the use of fragrances and incense,
Elephant can guide you to new energies and power.

Elephant people show great affection to their families, caring for the young and the elderly.
They also have an inborn knowledge of roots and plants.
An Elephant will give you insight into the power of the three feminine energies:
child, mother and old wise woman (or crone).
The Hindu god Ganesh, god of overcoming obstacles, is associated with the Elephant.

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