Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Everyone who follows the world’s curriculum... by Nick Arandes

“Everyone who follows the world’s curriculum, and everyone here does follow it until he changes his mind, teaches solely to convince himself that he is what he is not.” -A Course in Miracles

This ties up with another Course's lesson stating that I am what I teach. So if I teach separation I am separation, however, if I teach oneness, I am oneness. But how do I teach oneness when I am experiencing separation? The answer would be by denying the illusion. Denying the illusion is my willingness to at least acknowledge that there is something more than what my physical senses are telling me.

I can see myself as a body, while acknowledging that my body is not who I am, that it is an illusion. I have been taught how to think and what to believe, that in order for me to undo my ego (present thought system) I need to start thinking differently along the lines of the Holy Spirit.

The key to remember is that I am not the one undoing the ego, the Holy Spirit is. Therefore every time I am willing to practice forgiveness, all I am doing is inviting the Holy Spirit to take over my present thought system and replace it with the Holy Spirit’s. That’s why I need to remind myself constantly that “i,” yes the small “i,” need do nothing.

To register for Nick Arandes free Course in Miracles teleconferences visit:

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