Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Forgiveness with Innocent Loving Onenesss

Prayer of Forgiveness with Innocent Loving Oneness

Premise: Everyone is innocent loving the best they can, and every perceived attack is a call for loving help. And we are All One. Plus "We are all created to love and be loved." Mother Teresa
Ho'Oponopono Prayer - "I am sorry,please forgive me...thank you. I love you."
I was told a relative who has seemingly "intractable" anger towards me did not have long to live yesterday afternoon. Also,previously, I have been told not to contact her, except on special occasions.
I went to bed with a heavy heart, and unable to sleep, I put my right hand on my heart repeating "God's love is right here, right now." I interspersed the Ho.. Prayer in between occasionally also "God, forgive us for we know not what we do."
This morning in my meditation prayer, I combined all of these in a prayer:
I am sorry, I did not know, please forgive me, my perceived attack was a call for loving help. Thank you, I am innocent, you are innocent, we are One. I love you. "This too shall pass." Thank You dear One Love for making this so...
Laurie Maranelli: If things are not "patched up" before she leaves this earth, they will be perfected between you when she crosses over. There is no darkness in the light. It is all good Ron.And the prayer you wrote is beautiful. Thank you.
Patricia Gianniou: Tears in my eyes because I feel your pain, my friend. Laurie is so right ... once they pass over they see the truth and let go of all ill feelings and their only hope it that we forgive them ... which you always do ... I join with all of y...
Noy Traba G -
I had a falling out with my sister. I know in my heart that I did everything to be with my her (she had a lot of problems and negative molecules within here). And I know that Ididnt' wrong her - God knows, she did. I was so furious to the extent I disowned her (she was referrred to as the ex-sister). One of my friends thought that her problems were up to the sky and when she burst, I was in the front line and was in the receiving end of all her bullets. It was really sad. With the H'oponopono principle, I was able to forgive and forget - and I felt so much better now. I had to let go and tried darn hard to just be the more understanding party. My path had been, so far, much better. I'm free of few lingering illnesses (health and mind - related). I freed myself by taking the initial step. It's a long story which spanned years; cutting it short, I was just so glad that I finally chose to be happier by clearing my mind and doing it the smoother way. Forgive and forget.
Ron, I wish for you the same. Being liberated of bad feelings is a real joy. Blessings, Peace and Light to you both. Joy from noy!

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