Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

When you can, find a quiet place and affirm, "There is only one life, and God is that life. I am in It and It is within me... all of the attributes of God I claim as mine this moment! God knows only perfection in all manner and form of expression, and I am that expression! God's love flows through me now and removes all illusion of imperfection in my life and the lives of all those who are a part of my life. And so it is, amen!"

Go back to these ideas throughout the day, as often as you can... claim what God has given you as you realize that you are It's perfect, eternal child.

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Comment by Debra Rincon Lopez on June 7, 2010 at 11:36pm

WITH THE LOVE OF JESUS, WHAT MORE DO WE NEED IN OUR LIVES. HIS LOVE IS SPECIAL AND THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW IT OR FEEL IT,I feel sorry for them. They will never know how special it is to have God undenying love for his children. They say they don't believe in God. That is because they don't know him or feel the love he has for all his children. I try and explain if they will just ask for his love it's can be theirs. But, in denial they receive nothing to feel of know of to see. I will be with God forever and ever and then some more. BLESS YOU FOR POSTING THIS HERE TODAY, GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY IN GOD'S LOVE ALSO. DEB LOPEZ


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