Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Global Worming

It has recently been diagnosed that the current socio-economic chaos stems from a planetary parasitic infestation. We have a case of global worms.
Having once divested myself of some uninvited inner critters which accidentally died of starvation whilst I was fasting, I feel myself to be in a unique position - a gastric vantage point if you like - from where I can clearly see the 'Federal' Reserve, the World Bank, the IMF, Halliburton, The Carlyle Group, GE, OPEC, to name but a few, as a bunch of ginormous worms whose sole purpose is to drain the life force, the nutrients and vitality out of one country after another, while the bodies of the parasites grow more and more bloated.
These 'powersites' are controlling the world currently. They are devouring everything that is good and true and beautiful and excreting toxic waste. The upper bodies of these critters take on the characteristics of smooth talking humans which mask the lurching, lumbering, ghastly, ever-fattening corporate worms from our limited perception.
It is a horror movie too disgusting to contemplate. Aesthetically I wish I had not thought of it. But, life having offered me such a tasteful metaphor, I feel morally obliged to share how I rid myself of those critters foolish enough to have taken up residence inside me.
How did they die? Well...without becoming grotesquely graphic...let's say I employed cataclysmic cleansings... It was the abominable abdominal apocalypse. With Kali as my inspiration, by the time they emerged on the crest of a coffee enema wave, they were barely carcasses…in fact they looked rather like pathetically small, limp condoms.
Hey wait a moment – isn’t that what recent past presidents and barely present popes have been denying the people of Africa? Now we know why! David Icke says that the hidden world leaders are mostly all reptiles. I say they’re just a can of worms. Tough skinned invertebrates for whom perhaps the sight of a condom poses something of a personal threat.
Fasting teaches one that illumination and elimination are almost the same thing. Enlightenment is our birthright, just eliminate the obstacles. These 'powersites' need to be flushed from the world's intestines. But to stage this non-violent revolution is going to take guts. We must economically starve them. Governments must quit feeding them our taxes. Legally require the bailed out institutions to bailout the people or return our money. This is the fasting phase. It won't last. Hunger doesn't hurt when it is temporary, it heals.
Global worming starts here! Cut out the junk food - tax luxuries and inessentials sky high and give bonuses to those who provide real necessities. Take plentiful doses of any truth that busts our belief in this elitist stranglehold over the collective wealth of the planet. And finally I recommend a series of corporate colonics to flush the entire economic system down the toilet... Hey - it's already happening!
Cleansed of all that old ca-ca, we can build a new economic system upon a foundation of respect for life on earth as a whole. A system which shares our global abundance appropriately. We are guests of the land, not owners. On a healthy planet as in a healthy organism, flora, fauna, water, oxygen and minerals - each aspect is part of an interconnected web where all parts work harmoniously together. Biologically, personally or planetarily speaking, a healthy immune system is a prerequisite for peace.
So, not so honorable powersites, your hosts are evicting you. If you can extract yourselves from your corporate wormholes, we can probably find something useful for you to do at the local food bank or soup kitchen - for a fair and decent wage of course.
A new world order indeed.

Jaiia Earthschild

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Comment by Jeanne on March 31, 2009 at 9:02am
So I see that not only did your original blog post get wiped away... so did my comment... Grr-r-r. Try, try again.

You writing is brilliant and dark... similar to your astute comparison between "illumination and elimination". They are perhaps like the yin and yang. One is in the light and the other comes from "where the sun doesn't shine", but when brought out in the light and released... allows healing.

Shining the light on that which is done in the dark, (behind closed doors) is truly what we need. Transparency is a worthy goal for all, individuals and corporations. And eliminates the underhanded bullshi(f)t.
Comment by AkashicWreckage on March 31, 2009 at 8:25am
Jaiia explained: "Now we know why! David Icke says that the hidden world leaders are mostly all reptiles. I say they’re just a can of worms. Tough skinned invertebrates for whom perhaps the sight of a condom poses something of a personal threat.
Fasting teaches one that illumination and elimination are almost the same thing. Enlightenment is our birthright, just eliminate the obstacles. These 'powersites' need to be flushed from the world's intestines. But to stage this non-violent revolution is going to take guts. We must economically starve them. Governments must quit feeding them our taxes. Legally require the bailed out institutions to bailout the people or return our money. This is the fasting phase. It won't last. Hunger doesn't hurt when it is temporary, it heals.
Global worming starts here! Cut out the junk food - tax luxuries and inessentials sky high and give bonuses to those who provide real necessities. Take plentiful doses of any truth that busts our belief in this elitist stranglehold over the collective wealth of the planet. And finally I recommend a series of corporate colonics to flush the entire economic system down the toilet... Hey - it's already happening!"

I LOVE this---the insanity of it all, sprinkled with massive tablespoons of TRUTH!
Literally LOLing, and yet knowing that you've provided a recipe for health!


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