Last week after an afternoon of talking with people who work to free modern day slaves and assist survivors of human trafficking - I made a cup of tea and began watching the last part of a documentary about a tragedy that killed 10,000 children from a rural village in China.
Near tears i understood suddenly why so many people feel overwhelmed by even attempting to pay attention these kind of issues, when so many others come to our attention from week to week and not to mention the attention required for our own day to day affairs.
And yet, I found myself curious about how to navigate this slippery slope of disrepair while still moving forward from a positive energy - proactive - life affirming perspective. My interest in Radical Inclusion has from the start been inspired by my own quest to focus on inclusion. Instead of excluding those with tragic experiences to learn from, I am wondering what there is for us to learn?
One of the solutions needed is automated global social responsibility. This would allow people to contribute towards the advancement of related issues without requiring the investment of free attention to make the needed connections.
It didn't take long before my hope turned into renewed faith. The role that art based research and Cultural Fusion have to play in this evolution becomes ever clearer to me and I feel encouraged. It is vital that the feeling component in addressing often painful issues is rethought to both inspire and engage (positively).
Rehearsal Flash Mob to learn about new performance art piece inviting your support and collaboration as architects of a new dawn.
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