Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

How to do an energy clean up on yourself and others.

energy when the flow is open.

Flowing energy through the hand and arm

  1. Put the palm of your hand over the palm of the person you are working on.
  2. Once again wait for the energy to begin to flow.
  3. Place the other hand at the top of the shoulder.
  4. Wait for the energy to flow.
  5. If it is stuck use the hand at the shoulder to trace the energy down the arm until it flows.

Opening the Central Channel

  1. With your hand, fluff the energy up the front of the body.
  2. Do this until you feel a change in density.

Opening the Governing Channel

  1. With your hand fluff the energy down the center of the spine.
  2. Do this once again until you fell a change in density.

Opening the Root Chakra

  1. Put the right hand behind the base of the spine.
  2. Left hand in front of bladder.
  3. If the energy feels blocked push the energy from back to front with the hand at the front of the body.
  4. Wait for the flow to begin.

Opening the Second Chakra

  1. Right hand at the back of navel
  2. Left hand at front of navel.
  3. Push energy through from front to back.

Opening the Solar Plexus Chakra

  1. Right hand behind base of sternum.
  2. Left hand in front of sternum.
  3. Feel for any blocked energy and push the energy from front to back.

Opening The Heart Chakra

  1. Right hand behind heart.
  2. Left hand in front of heart.
  3. Feel for flow, if blocked push through with your hand from front to back.

Opening the Throat Chakra

  1. Right hand back of neck.
  2. Left hand front of throat.
  3. If energy is blocked take the front hand and push the energy across the side ogf the neck until it opens.

Opening the Third Eye Chakra

  1. Right hand at the back of head near neck.
  2. Left hand over the third eye, front
  3. If energy is stuck, push from front to back with front hand.

And finish with a fluff and tuck

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