Thanks for the visit to my page. I hope you will find blessings here. I can not be online a lot. I am very ill and alone. If you may stumble accross this page and enjoy it, Great, I send you every Blessings with love and joy! If you ever here of a job, someone could do from home. I could do data entry on my computer from my bed or chair. I am pretty good at painting statues. I don't know if there are simple computer jobs I could do at home, but I would love to be able to work. These sites are a wonderful way to share positives. I also share positives on my space, in a search by name, you can find me on my space as, Lorie{Humanitylivesinus} , Yep, I am the only one there with that name! : } Smiles. May your day be full of love and joy! Always, Lorie {SMILE} I am
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