Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Fellow humans, my dear brothers and sisters,
United we are creating a new world today. In mutual trust and respect we manifest our intention that we will cease to cause each other any further pain. We now consciously intend to create a peaceful society upon our plant.
Only through Love can we make this happen so from now on we express only love to humanity out of mutual respect and benevolence.

We do now stand as one humanity and we see with our collective inner eye a new community on earth, united in: - ethics, benevolence, confidence, hope, generosity, support, willingness to learn, consideration out of love to humans and to our environment, in difficult times as well as in good times.
We are overcoming the challenges of separation and incorporating the strength of unity. Now we can create our world in a way that satisfies each and every one of us.

For those who have devotion to, faith in and love for a higher power, we speak the following words: - From now on, we commune with intent to make the very best of our lives, having learned from bitter experience that nothing good comes from hatred. Therefore we gratefully receive all heavenly assistance sent to help us make our dreams come true and give thanks that we are always kept strong in our intention and are lifted up in moments of discouragement.

We are One Humanity with one new consciousness. United we now create the world of our dreams with understanding and respect for love, happiness and harmony, beauty and health, success and wealth, in a way that brings healing to all of us.

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