Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Back in the 60s Donovan had a song about happiness, and he observed that; "Happiness runs in a circular motion, everybody is a part of everything..." Native American, African and Eastern philosophers & spiritual masters had long recognized the circle of life, and perceived it as the same circular motion... a circle of joy, a circle of happiness. Only western man, the Europeans, were given to linear thought... and because of their failure to realize the interconnectedness of all things, imagined themselves to be apart from the the world surrounding them and the effects of their actions.

The results of this sort of "unNATURAL" thinking engulfs us now. We exist in a world disconnected, broken apart and corrupted. A world that is crisscrossed with lines that fence everything off from everything else. We have allowed ourselves to be "boxed in" and at the same time, "left without..."

A Course in Miracles states: T-14.VII.1. What do you want? 2 Light or darkness, knowledge or ignorance are yours, but not both. 3 Opposites must be brought together, not kept apart. 4 For their separation is only in your mind, and they are reconciled by union, as you are. 5 In union, everything that is not real must disappear, for truth is union. 6 As darkness disappears in light, so ignorance fades away when knowledge dawns.

This Indian Elder would suggest that perhaps it would be timely for all of the residents of Turtle Island to begin building Medicine Wheels, Sacred Hoops... in our homes and yards and in places where we come together to celebrate Life. It would please the Grandfathers of the world and Creator if we would begin doing this as a way of remembering the circle that surrounds and incorporates humankind with all Creation.

It would edify and bring inner harmony to us, and give meaning to our passage through this world. A way of honoring and sharing with our future ancestors, our progeny.

A thought shared on a Friday morning during the "Moon of Mid-summer", (E'mnokmukkesis as my people say).

Megwich (Thank you for hearing me)
More thoughts evolving at >

If you would like more info on how to build a Medicine Wheel, send a note to and write "Medicine Wheel" in the subject line.

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Comment by AkashicWreckage on August 14, 2009 at 5:33pm
What a beautiful message of Love & Hope~~~
Thank you so much for sharing this with us.


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