The 2012 group momentum facilitated through Children of the Sun Foundation will be carried out through a focus referred to as the I AM Avatar Yoga. We are exercising this yoga within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions.
Our goal this year is to reach total clarity of consciousness and Divine Union with our Source of Life. This concerns the realization of the whole, re- aligning us as one into a resonant rhythm within the universal ascension spiral through single pointed focus in union with our inner Sun Presence and the Group Soul.
*BUILDING THE LIGHT QUOTIENT*  listen with headphones (highly recommended) Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)
page source: http://www.childrenofthesun.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=448&Itemid=216
en espanol: http://www.childrenofthesun.org/sp_cos/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=430%3Aformacion-de-avatar-2012&catid=57&Itemid=82
~ OUR 2012 TRANSMISSIONS ~ These are timeless presentations to help YOU and our entire Group Body build and sustain momentum. Please repeat as often as you desire.
*The Collective Initiation of Monadic Absorption*
This audio is a voice narrative to aid in understanding this initiation Monadic level energy will catalyze an instant evolution of consciousness in the spiritually awakened... to spawn a quantum leap of the entire four-body system.
listen with headphones (highly recommended) Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)
*The Amazon Transmissions*
This audio is embued with the code transferences of Unity Consciousness and gently guides a journey of energy body recalibration and stabilization.
listen with headphones (highly recommended):· · Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...) Voices by Amazon Participants... Tiara Kumara, Joost Van Bilsen, song by Gary Gottselig
*Building the Strength and Power of our Electronic Ring*
We are consciously building and charging this luminous field of Divine Light radiation and our personal mantle of protection and invincibility. This also gives us greater ability in the skill of Energy Transference. listen with headphones (highly recommended): Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)
*Developing our Concentraton for Instant Manifestation* It is through the Divine Attribute of Concentration that brings stability, alignment with our Supreme Mind and opens the door into our Powers of Creation and instant manifestation. listen with headphones (highly recommended): Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)
*Journey to the Great Central Sun* *Building our Antahkrana ~ Activating our Solar Magnetism*
We activate our absolute alignment with the Great Central Sun and the solar magnetism within our own bodies... that which gives us instantaneous manifesting ability. We build Group Antahkarana and realize union with our I AM Presence. listen with headphones (highly recommended): Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...) angelic toning by Iris Onica
*Expanded DNA Code Activation ~ Remembering our Avatar Skillsets* This is activating the codes of light in our DNA and the remembrance of our Avatar skills. This transmissions directly supports the actualization of our God Self out-pictured in the flesh. listen with headphones (highly recommended): Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)
*Firing the 2012 Momentum*
Through this transmission, we are initiating together, our Group Avatar Blueprint and the emergence of its physical manifestation during this year of 2012.
listen with headphones (highly recommended): Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)
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