Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Morning Has Broken: The Fulling of the Moon in Pisces/Aries

The AstroSage
Notes on the Passage of the Moon in September

T-21.I.8. “Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle. 2 And all the circle fills with light before your eyes. 3 The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all. 4 The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere. 5 Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity. 6 Nor is it possible to imagine that anything could be outside, for there is nowhere that this light is not.”

Greetings Pilgrim!

The next 24 hours presents the chela with a unique set of circumstances as far as the passage of the Night's Orb. September 22nd and 23rd finds the moon coming to fullness at 0 degrees Aries/30 degrees Pisces... a configuration that has observably singular overtones.

Imagine Aries as the signature of emergence into the material realm, the symbol of defined self: ego. Pisces represents a return to Totality, the journey back to Collective/God-self: our true identity... and the source of all eternalness. Now synthesize these two themes in your mind's eye and you'll get a sense of the energy that travels with this configuration.

Like all things ephemeral, the phases of the moon are merely moments in time, fleeting but capable of having residual after-effects. This “moment in time” passage has the potential of long term transcendence for the pilgrim who's invested in their work. Ego verses Divinity; what will your choice be?

The first image that comes to mind is self-preservation as opposed to surrender to Higher Mind (or the “Will of God” as we often hear it defined as). This is the time of choices: me or Thee... my smallness or my Greatness is on the line. Stay on the current plateau or take the leap of faith that brings us to a higher way of expression.

At ground zero we'll be called upon, in some form or fashion, to embrace and extend forgiveness... of self and others. Of past mistakes and future attacks. Of mankind, for all the sorrow and pain and misery that we have inflicted on each other over centuries and all the “Me or Thee” decisions that we've made. For those who are willing to contemplate the possibilities, this can be a time of radical self-transformation as well as planetary healing delivered to Mother Earth through the individuated self... your chance to embrace healing on behalf of all the forms of life that exist: Everywhere.

A Suggestion: sometime during the next 24 hours give yourself the time and space to go deeply within and allow Divinity to approach you in gentle surrender... ask God to come calling in the home of self that we tend to surround with dragons and moats, barbs and thistles. Let down your guard, still your fears and be receptive to Love... a Love that is imparted to you from the Eternal source of all Life and Love in the Universe. That's all that need be done... there's nothing else to do: no effort, no pain, no struggle... just the quiet acceptance of the arrival of your true “nature” in your life. “Be still and know that I Am God”.

Nothing is less than Zero... nor can it be more than All. This understanding is offered to the seeker as the Goddess of the Night makes her way to fullness over the coming 48 hours. And, in reality, the decision is not about residing in ego or residing in Source but making the commitment to deliver personal self to the one source of actual power and truth that exists everywhere about us: Sacred Self.

Perhaps on Friday you'll awaken with the capacity to see a transformed world around you, a world that reflects joy and beauty and truth. Granted, the “real world” will appear to be the same “old world” for others, but you can have that Grace extended into your life that's the only thing worth sharing... the Grace to see that Peace and Love abounds if you're willing to allow it be shown to you. Perhaps this can be that moment in time that releases you from time...

Notes from the Celestial Ashram
In humble respect of our shared Divinity
The AstroSage

T-21.I.9. “This is the vision of the Son of God, whom you know well. 2 Here is the sight of him who knows his Father. 3 Here is the memory of what you are; a part of this, with all of it within, and joined to all as surely as all is joined in you. 4 Accept the vision that can show you this, and not the body. 5 You know the ancient song, and know it well. 6 Nothing will ever be as dear to you as is this ancient hymn of love the Son of God sings to his Father still.” ~ACIM~

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