Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

You folks seem to have the peace, love, arts, etc well covered. I guess I will have to add a bit of humor by sharing some of the things I see, hear, do and say. Have a little chuckle on me.

The other day I was at the YMCA in the hot tub after my workout. A young lady had her little girl, about 3 or 4 years old, in the pool. The little kid was having the time of her life but she repeatedly emitted a shrill screech that I am certain would rival those crazy crowd control thingys. I looked around at the others in the hot tub. Actually, I was happy to see that they seemed as distressed as I was. I blurted out, "Now that kid needs her head held under water till the bubbles stop". Then I shared my theory of child rearing as follows: I believe that children should be frozen at birth and defrosted when they are 21.

Okay, yes, I am a mother. I enjoyed my child completely as he was growing up. Now, however, I am old and kids make me nuts. I agree they are cute and I like to watch them but they sure do make some strange sounds at alarming (pun intended) decibels.

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