Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I am precious, small and sweet,
All curled up from head to feat.
I twist, I turn and move around,
Oh so quiet not a sound.
Its warm and safe, it feels so good,
Just like god said it would.
It feels so soft, nice and warm,
I ll be safe until I m born.
I feel your heartbeat close to mine,
They beat together, like a rhyme.

My first few months, I felt so good,
Then things were said, I overheard.
The words abortion, and saline,
Oh dear God, what do they mean.
I m very small and feel such fear,
Oh! Whats this? It is a tear.
My heart is hurting, there is such pain,
I hear you ask, who is to blame.
I did not ask to be put here,
My love for you is very dear.
I am alive, and growing each day,
Please think about me, "Maybe pray."
I can give you love and joy,
I m going to be a "little boy."
So listen to me, hear my plea,
Just one chance, to let you see.
The love, I ll give you, even bliss,
A little smile, a soft sweet kiss.

I hear you say, its for the best,
Its time to end this awful mess.
I hear those awful words again,
The ones that I can t comprehend.
It won t hurt, there s little pain,
Saline solution, your free again.
Free from what? The love I can give,
A smile, a kiss, the right to live.
I feel a rush, of something cold,
It hurts, it burns, I must be bold.
The poking, the prodding, I try to move,
It hurts so bad, it can t be soothed.
Oh please hear me, please hear my cry,
I m little, I love you, I don t want to die.
It s over, its done, my heart s not beating,
I only wished one thing today,
To let me live, and "Maybe pray,"
God would have helped us through the storm
And kept me safe, till I was born,
To hide your shame, guilt, and doubt,
You chose to take the easy way out.
I suffered, I cried, you didn t care,
Only a fetus, you didn t want there.

There is a power, who sits on high,
He loves us all, I ve seen him cry.
This thing called abortion, it s not gods plan,
It came about through sinful man.
It hurts him so, to see us cry,
The pain we feel before we die.
So stop, and think of god above,
He cares for us, with undying love.
He will forgive you, for what you ve done,
That s why he gave his only son.

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