Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Once In A Blue Moon: A Potent New Year's Blessing

On December 31, 2009, we'll experience a blue moon lunar eclipse. A blue moon typically refers to the second full moon in a given month, which only happens once every few years, making it unusual enough to generate a sense of expectancy. However, the original definition referred to the 13th full moon in a "tropical year", or growing season, traditionally measured from one winter solstice to the next.

So while the full moon and blue moon already herald a potent completion to 2009 and entry into 2010, there's even more power inherent in this passage. Gillian Macbeth-Louthan of The Quantum Awakening writes, "This is the most important New Year's Eve we have been gifted in a long time. It asks us to 'flash forward' into the next two years to see what we can see. No matter how much you do not believe prophecy from time and earth, it will still affect your energy field and your choices. ... READ THE REST!

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Comment by Shelly Bright on December 30, 2009 at 4:40pm
I cant believe what i have released tonight and now i read this and i know why i really feel the angles are looking after me a guideing me powerful powerful stuff in deed .......
love light and energy



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