Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I have just returned from Jackie's where the Divine Light was pouring healing soothing energy into us during the Oneness Blessing Group.
Thanks for continuing the blessings. committed to Oneness, ron
What is Oneness Blessing?

Oneness Blessing is the Divine Grace of God, Infinite Intelligence that flows aboundingly caressing the heart and soul of the one receiving the blessings. It awakens the one to remember their own direct divine connection to their source, heals hurts, and shifts the perception of one to see God in each other and realize one's own true beauty, self acceptance and wholeness. It is an experience of Oneness with all of Creation and with the Divine Presence that becomes a tangible reality and way of living in reverence to life.

It is a direct transference of an intelligent sacred energy which causes the heart to flower and initiates a neurobiological change in the brain. This brings a shift in perception and the realization that the sense of a separate self is an illusion.

Oneness Blessing frees the senses from the constant chatter of the mind resulting in clarity of perception and spontaneous feelings of love, joy, peace, and inner silence. It dissolves negative life patterns, memories, releases traumas stored at the cellular and energetic levels, and facilitates deep emotional and physical healing. Eventually the process brings a permanent end to personal suffering and Full Awakening to the very highest states of consciousness.

Oneness Blessing is may be transferred by the Blessing Giver by a look, a touch, a word or the heartfelt will and intention of the one offering the blessing. This may be done from a long distance away in meditation, over the phone or the internet. Experiences vary and may be strong, subtle or even delayed until days later. One may experience a tingling sensation in the head, blissful feelings running through the whole body or perhaps nothing at all. Whatever the experience, it is certain that the process of Awakening has begun, a process custom designed for each individual which will lead gradually (or sometimes suddenly) to Full Awakening into Oneness.

Oneness Blessing is dogma-free and does not belong to any particular religion, philosophy or belief-system. It helps each of us to discover and fully Experience the Reality of our own unique relationship with the Divine.

Awaken to Oneness!
book by Arjuna Ardagh is excellent!

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