We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
British Petroleum, and everyone immersed in the oil business are crude, crass, and have no class. It’s time to kick their brass. If a corporation is a person, than how do you best punish it for gross negligence that causes death and eco destruction? How do you punish its' shareholders for not controlling their greedy rampant child better? Consider just punishment being confinement as a not-for-profit for twenty years to life of hard labor; whereby all profits go to the public good: i.e. solar panels on every rooftop, electric cars in every garage, and low profile wind generators along every highway. Send a message to others in the industry, and corporate entities everywhere to halt their narcissistic ways, or face "corporate imprisonment as a not-for-profit". Nice idea? Contact your legislators... create a bandwagon... imprison BP.
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