Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Aloha Friends,

Voting  for the Hawai'i Music Awards runs til 1/31, it's an important local way of recognizing local musicians. I would really appreciate your help by having you take a couple of minutes to vote.

 1. Go to In the center of page is the website, click there
2. Submit email address then go to inspirational/gospel Category
3. Click next to practicing aloha cd (only my cd and one other on the page)
4. IMPORTANT ! If you do not visit the review page, review your votes, scroll to the bottom and submit your email address, and code given your vote WILL NOT COUNT go to review submit at bottom of page
THAT”S IT! You’ve voted

Every click (on-line vote) will be counted once. One click from one e mail address equals one you and everyone you know can vote once, with each and every e mail address you have!
If you have two or more email addresses you can vote again.

If you have not had a chance to check out my CD, Practicing Aloha, please go to It is a wonderful compilation album featuring some the islands best musicians singing about Aloha, Harmony, Peace,, Blessings and out Purpose. It features, Fulton Tashombe,, who did the arrangements and instrumentation, Eric
Gilliom, George Kahumoku, Marty Dread, Kelii Kanealli , Jamie Lawrence, Josh Tatofi and Gretchen Rhodes, Kelly Covington plus amazing players backing them up.

Please start drumming up votes! People can vote from anywhere. Kindly spread the word to all those on your e-mailing lists and others who would be appropriate. Voting lasts til Jan. 31st. But please vote while it’s fresh on your mind.

I really appreciate you taking the time and help in spreading the word.

Cindy Paulos

Views: 11


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