Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

With our focus on The Shift taking place worldwide, it's easy to forget we have the power to effect change
at the very local level ~ within our own beings ~ by altering how we think. Simply shifting our emphasis allows "I feel depressed" to morph into "I feel deep rest".

I also realized the root of "recession" is "recess": it's summer, time to take a break and allow ourselves the deep rest and rejuvenation we deliciously deserve in these tumultuous times!

All the players I've encountered recently say the same, in their own unique ways. Visionary spoken word artist DreamingBear Baraka Kanaan, a modern-day Rumi, exhorts us, "Play hooky from your have-to's, Will you marry freedom with me? Let's elope into ecstasy…"

Clearly, the keynote of now is, "Ain't it awe-full?" READ THE REST!

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