Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

In my way of thinking, I see all things as an opportunity for personal
> growth along
> which comes wisdom, knowledge, great love and transformation. I am
> grateful to walk
> in harmony with my environment, no matter where the road leads.
> Fine tuning the gift of anchoring reflective consciousness is a daily
> event. It begins with bringing in the energy of purpose and well-being
> in. I begin by lighting a candle with a prayer of gratitude for all
> that is and what will be. It serves to set the tone for the rest of
> the day. Then I bless the things around me in a universal fashion and
> am grateful for the galaxies and the solar system, for the earth and
> the abundance it provides, for the people and the beauty of nature.
> This is followed by a smudge to move away any lower energy fields such
> as thoughts, emotions or feelings that may have followed me into this
> new day, and allow the higher energies to flow through me and into the
> world.
> The morning smudge begins by standing facing the east and lighting
> sage or sweetgrass. This is offered up to the heavens and in my minds
> eye a shower of electric orbs cascade from above onto the planet and I
> am filled with a sense of peace.
> As I move the smudge though my solarplex I pray for new-clear
> resonance and instantaneous sub atomic implosions ignite and serve to
> remove residual energy and toxins from the body.
> The smudge is then drawn over the heart chakra so that all things may
> be done in a loving way.
> As I move up to the throat chakra I pray that I only speak kind words.
> I draw the smoke over my nose and am grateful for the teachings and
> the lessons along the way.
> I gently draw the smoke over one ear as I pray to understand what is
> being said, and then the other ear, and pray that I may also hear what
> is not being said.
> I continue with a gentle sweeping motion of drawing the healing smoke
> from the sage over my eyes and ask that I may see what is there and
> what is not there.
> I move up to the mind area and draw the smoke towards my forehead with
> a prayer that I may be crystal clear in all that I say and do.
> Finally, I drawn the smoke over my body so that I may walk in a good way.
> This sets the tone for a simple breakfast of yogurt and cashews and an
> Omega 3-6-9 before setting out for a walk along the beach and
> preparing for a morning of writing.

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